


eggs on the grass

These  last days we had a fun activity at school, we were looking for some Easter eggs that Easter Bunny hid in our playground.

There were 5 eggs but we were so lucky because inside them there were chocolate chicks, bunnies and frogs. They were delicious !!!

easter hunt





Nestes días estamos  a ser uns auténticos diseñadores de xoias para participar no concurso que convoca o Colexio Oficial de Xoeiros de Galicia. Estes son os nosos diseños dos alumnos e alumnas das seccións bilingües de educación plástica  de 1º:


E da sección bilingüe  en educación plástica de 5º 

 reloxo 5º

Preme na imaxe e accedes ao álbume

Estes son algúns diseños realizados nas aulas de infantil de 4 anos:


E estes algúns traballos dos alumnos de 6º:




Hoxe estivemos un grupo de 25 alumnos e alumnas de 5º no Mercado de Teis para participar nun proxecto de creación de Arte Urbano organizado polo Concello de Vigo en colaboración co artista Mingos Teixeira.

Primeiro falamos sobre as diferencias entre Arte Urbano e Vandalismo, analizando o traballo de algúns artistas. Despois traballamos en tres grupos creando plantillas de edificios singulares da nosa cidade, pintando a base do noso traballo, que representa o mercado de Teis,  e  rematando a nosa obra con sprais e pinceis.

Foi unha mañán moi divertida. O noso traballo será exposto na rúa de Príncipe ( diante do Museo Marco) se o bo tempo acompáñanos. 

Se premedes na foto, podedes ver un álbume con todo o proceso.

Today 25 students from year 5 headed down to Teis Market to learn about and participate in some "urban art", promoted by our Council and directed by the artist Mingos Teixeira. First we were told about the difference between urban art and vandalism and we looked at some works done by some famous artists. Then we were divided into groups to start creating our masterpiece which was to represent Teis Market. Some of us started painting the base of the structure and the rest of us started making stencils, stickers and silohouettes of Vigo´s skyline. 

It was really fun we all got the oportunity to use rollers, paints and sprays. If you want to see our finished piece it will be displayed on Principe this weekend providing it doesn´t rain!


Here are some photos of us in action:




In year 5 we have recently been working on the topic of emmigration in Galicia.  


First we talked about the different countries people went and go to. Then we looked at some photos and discussed how they made us feel and how the people in the photos must be feeling. This helped us to remember some English vocabulary that we use for emotions.

Here are our representations of the pictures. We used dark colours to show the mood and sadness that the photos portray.




Our school project is called "A sea of languages" and at the moment in year 5 we are working on The Battle of Rande. 


We recapped what we knew about the battle in English and learnt some important vocabulary. Then we looked at a representation of the battle drawn by E. V. Pita (2013) which shows how this area of Vigo has changed over time - from the battle in 1702 until now.

Here are our own drawings inspired by her picture:


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