


At grade  1, we were working on Romero Brito, a Brazilian painter, who uses lines, spots, circles, hearts... to create his animlas, flowers...

Romero Brito

We atch this video and learn how to work with markers

And here is the poster we made as a cooperative way to have a colourful Spring in our corridor


rome brito mural



At grade 5 we are going to work as Kandinsky on our laptops but let's start  having a look about lines at this video


Let's have a look to a lot kind of lines


Now it's time to work with lines and shapes as Wassily  Kandinsky, a famous Russian painter. 
Using your computer paint program or Google Draw you can make your own concentric shape patterns. 
You must make grids of six.
 Look at the examples below in the big mural
Clicking on the photo below, you can see all our draws by using google draws
kandinsky aarón


We are learning  some types of lines at  Art lessons in grade 1.

First we started watching a video where we could see the different types of lines

Then we decdided to make mittens where we mixed some different




curved... LINES

mittens 1




mittens 2

And after that we created a big mural (it's raining a lot - diagonal lines) with all our mittens

mittens 3


We decided, at grade 5, to create some  ballerinas that would be easy to make after making some snowflakes. The basic shape is symmetrical, so you can fold the paper in two and only do half the cutting.

These are the steps from an very useful page KROKOTAK

Fold in half on the dotted line and  do the cutting.

The skirt is very easy – you only fold 3 times so there would not be too many layers that would make cutting difficult.

You can use any variety of shapes.


After the skirt has been cut out, fold it in two and make a slip to insert the ballerina.

Unfold only when the figure is already in place.

шаблон за разпечатване


Here you can see the results





Yesterday we celebrated at school Peace Day and during all the week we were working on some songs to remember what is Peace and all its synomyns.

At grade 5 we created a big mural with our hands joined  in two by two and a word in the middle. Let's have a look.

peace hands mural

Click on the mural and....

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