


vegetable garden

School vegetable gardens are a great way for children to learn about where their food comes from and to get them excited about eating fresh vegetables. 

It is also a chance to learn outdoors!


Urban Seedling  help our school plan, build, plant, and maintain a school vegetable garden. 

We involve students  in our planting workshops. 

 A vegetable garden is a great way to build ties between children, 

parents and teachers, and within the community.


Benefits of School Vegetable Gardens

Teaching Tools:


*Increase knowledge of nature and plant growth

*Positive social interactions around the garden

*Promotion of healthy development

*Increasing consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables

*New producer-consumer relationships

*The role of agriculture in the children’s lives (food chain)

*Cultural and personal integration

*Reduction of behavioral problems


Possible activities:


*Seedlings and germination of seeds

*Transplanting, calendar and seasons

*Planning the garden



*The web of biodiversity

*Magic potions and homemade gardening solutions

*Herb box in the classroom

*Identification and observation of leaves

*Art work, mural, mosaic, poster, scarecrow, “land art”

*Parts of the plant

*Plant families

*Diversity of shapes and colours

*Traditional foods and dishes throughout the seasons


Let's start watching a cute little  story about Sid, a seed, who lives underground...written and illustrated by Daniel R. Pagan



Now it's time to learn a planting song 



 We can learn in English the part of a plant with this rap



At Grade 1 we work on the parts of a lant in this sheet



And  then  in Grade 1 A  we have  learned a new song, the title is "I eat fruit"

And we have created a big Spring mural, using the plastic bottle tops
spring is here mural
In grade 6 we were working on some a plant cloze challenge, a wordsearch and ...
We made groups  in a collaborative way and   create some murals about what we eat
  And here are our murals in a big poster
 we eat the mural




Este Sábado, 22 de abril, celebráronse as Olimpiadas de Teis e coma en anos anteriores participamos no Concurso de spelling Bee.

Podedes ver unhas fotos con algúns momentos máis emocionantes  dos nosos participantes:

Noa e Anxo de 4º, Iván e Noa de 5º  e  Manuel e Noel en 6º

spelling teis



concurso diseño xoia

As last year, at Art lessons in grades 1 and 5 we were designing a jewel to our mums and participate in the contest "Crea unha xoia para a túa nai".

These are our designs



eggs hunt

What is an Easter egg hunt?

An egg hunt is a fun game where decorated eggs or Easter eggs are hidden for Easter Bunny to find. Real hard-boiled eggs, which are typically dyed or painted, artificial eggs made of plastic filled with chocolate or candies or foil-wrapped egg-shaped chocolates of various sizes are hidden in different places

Last week we were to the playground in our English lessons to find all the Easter eggs that Easter Bunny had hidden.

Lok at the photos



Katie is showing us what  a Harlequin is

In 5A we have been studying Picasso's Harlequins. We looked at Picasso's seated Harlequin, and used it as inspiration to create our own Harlequins using oil pastels.

Picasso also painted his son, Paul, as a Harlequin. This painting combines Picasso's ability to draw details with typical characteristics of Harlequins, such as diomand patterned costumes. In 5B we have been looking at this work, 'Paul as a Harlequin', and making our own versions of it.


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