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How to make a Tetra Pak coin purse:

Tetra Pak or similar cartons are found all over the kitchen, from juice boxes to soup.


1) You'll need some tetra pak cartons. For this purse we used the tall 1 litre type.

Step two, cut off top and bottom and clean and fold

2) Cut off the top and bottom.

3) Clean thoroughly, then dry.

4) Neatly fold (concertina) the sides of the cartons inwards, so that the carton lies flat.

5) Decide which what side of the carton you'd like to me most visible and put that side on the table.

Steps seven (left) and after step 11 (right)

6) Fold the bottom of the carton towards the top, and the top towards the bottom, so that it has three (aproximately equal - but the top can be shorter) parts.

7) Cut down each of the four orginal corners from the top of the carton to the nearest (top) fold.

8) Cut away the top sides between the cuts you made in step 7.

9) Round the top of the flap on the external side of the carton.

Step 12, fold the purse

10) Cut the internal flap to about 1.5cm (half an inch) above the crease and diagonally cut from about 1cm along that edge to the nearest corner (on each side).

11) Fold the bottom of the carton to the middle

12) Make a hole in the middle of the top flap about 1cm from the edge. I used a hole-punch.

13) Put an elastic band or the top ol the tetra pak through the hole or through the elastic band and tighten.

14) Now, you can decorate it.




thats a great idea, thank. i think i'll do it with my kids cause i like to collect purses

page | by Dr. Radut