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« Venres Decembro 11, 2020 »
Start: 11/12/2020 10:18

LUIS GORROCHATEGUI, Contra armada, Crítica, Barcelona, 2020, 448 páxinas.


Hoxe o libro do noso excompañeiros, Luis Grorrochategui, asómase ao prestixioso The times:

Hoxe o libro do noso excompañeiros, Luis Grorrochategui, asómase ao prestixioso The times: The Spanish Armada was never defeated and a later victory over an English fleet led by Sir Francis Drake was covered up by Elizabeth I, a Spanish historian claims in his new book.

In Contra Armada, or “Counter Armada”, Luis Gorrochategui writes that of the 137 ships that Philip II sent to take England in 1588, only 35 failed to return to Spain, and these were mainly transport vessels that were unable to weather Atlantic storms.



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