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International Women's Day (8th March) is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future.

 In some places like China, Russia, Vietnam and Bulgaria, IWD is a national holiday. The first IWD was run in 1911.

Next year is IWD Global Centenary 1911-2011

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 first woman voting  



The song WOMAN by John Lennon  is an ode to his wife Yoko Ono and all the women in the world, which is introduced by Lennon whispering, "For the other half of the sky ...", a paraphrase of a Chinese proverb, one used by Mao Zendong.



 Now, in these links, you have some information about five important women in the world:


Rigoberta Menchu     and    Frida Khalo in Mexico.


Nefertiti       and     Winnie Mandela in Africa.


Indira Ghandi in India.

Let's make some presentations about them.


page | by Dr. Radut