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hello hallo

During this week  we are working on Halloween at Kinder and grades 1, 2 and 3 . We are having fun and learning some new vocabulary.

At Kinder 3 and 4 we are learning this song and having fun with some activities.

Hallo 1

Hallo 6

At kinder 5 and grade 1 in Primary, teacher Victoria has read this book and then we watched the video. Now, we are having fun with some activities.

Hallo book

At grade 2  we are creating our own  monster in a "roll your dice " game.

Hallo 2

Hallo 3

These are some monsters

Hallo 7

And we are making a special Halloween book

Hallo 8

At grade 3 we are reading a text and making some wordsearchs.

Hallo 4

page | by Dr. Radut