Classroom activities

Christmas Video Greetings

This year the English Department decided to organise a contest of Christmas Video Greetings. A lot of students participated, with so many amazing videos, sharing their best wishes with all the classmates, teachers and families. They danced, played, sang, spoke English, and the most important: they had fun, with their friends, with their families, even their pets appeared in the videos!

We shared the videos with all the students on the last days of classes so everybody enjoyed them. It was a very beautiful activity.

The videos were all so good, it was really difficult for the jury to choose the best. Eventually, these are the winners:

1º ESO: Alba, Aida, Iris and Ángela

2º ESO: There was a tie, so there were two winner videos: 

              - Carmen 

              - Xiana, Anxo, Estela, Sara and Simón

3º ESO: Alejandra (and her father)

4º ESO: Carolina


Our Morning Talk Show

During the third term, some of our 2nd of ESO students participated in a new project called “Our Morning Talk Show” This project helped our students improve their vocabulary related to TV Shows. They learnt about American and British talk shows, they analyzed some interviews made to Rosalía or Úrsula Corberó by Jimmy Fallon, they listened to Harry Styles singing songs of his new album with James Corden, trying out some aggressive outfits and working famous lines from "Titanic" and "Notting Hill." Thanks to the assistance of our fellow teacher Bernice, our students were even able to learn about some famous Filipino celebrities like Nadine Lustre and enhance their interviewing skills.

As a final result of the project, they were able to create their own talk show, figuring out they were hosting famous people like Iago Aspas, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Natalie Portman… Our dear students recorded brilliant videos that included interviews to celebrities, Carpool karaokes, Just Dance Sessions, beauty workshops and even commercials!! We had great fun creating the scripts, recording the videos and watching them all together in class. Congrats guys!! You’ve done an amazing job. I’m really proud of you!





Un dos proxectos desenvolvidos nas sesións do programa CUALE foi unha actividade de dobraxe. Eliximos algunhas esceas de películas moi coñecidas e os alumnos e alumnas puxeron as súas voces aos personaxes de películas como Titanic, Cars, Crepúsculo e outras.

Master Chef Junior


Last term some of our 2nd Eso students participated in a project called “Master Chef Junior”. It was a fantastic project in which we enjoyed both, improving our language skills and learning about other countries' culinary culture. We’ve learned about cooking utensils and procedures from the recipes of famous British chefs like Jamie Oliver.

Thanks to Bernice, our teaching assistant, not only did we discover new Filipino dishes but  also shared our traditional Galician recipes with her. We even learnt about typical Easter dishes around the world!

At the end of the project, we were able to write our own recipes and record a video in English showing how to cook, step by step, some delicious desserts. With all the recipes, we’ve created a cookery book and ,today, we had a wonderful time watching all the videos in class.

I would like to thank Bernice and all the students that participated in the project for their enthusiasm and hard work, and their families for their support. 

We are looking forward to our next project!




O 9 de Marzo o alumnado de CUALE desprazouse ata Ourense para participar nunha actividade de Escape Room na Sala Enigma. 

Tiveron que resolver o misterio de "Romasanta" a través de probas e pistas, todas en inglés.

Todos os alumnos e alumnas estiveron moi implicados na actividade, descifraron os códigos e conseguiron, traballando en equipo, resolver o misterio e saír da Escape Room con vida!!

Obra de Teatro en Inglés: D.I.Y.

O pasado venres o alumnado da ESO asistiu á obra de teatro en inglés Do It Yourselves, da English Theatre Company. 

A obra tivo unha moi boa acollida entre o alumnado, que participou en todo momento, tanto enriba do escenario como dende o patio de butacas. Pasárono ben, riron, algúns/algunhas ata bailaron, e sobre todo: practicaron inglés dunha maneira divertida. Están desexando repetir!

Grazas ao Concello por permitirnos utilizar o Auditorio.

Nos adxuntos tedes unha mostra do que foi esta experiencia.


Hi there,

Here you are 4º ESO A contribution to Rosalía de Castro Day:


February, 4th 2021



Hi there!

The winners of our travel contest are:



Congratulations to both of them and thanks to all who entered the contest.














Hi there,

3rd year ESO students have just entered our own travel contest:


They had to describe a town or country of their choice. Winners will be announced next week!. Meanwile, you can read the entries which are located on the ground floor, next to their classrooms.

Good luck to the contestants!


Hi! This is 3rd ESO contribution to the school TIL project Somos Auga:





MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!! Obxetivo cumplido!!

Hoxe rematamos co noso pequeno proxecto e xa puidemos botar un par de partidiñas ó noso Trivial!! 


O noso primeiro gañador foi.....Dani!! Tamén é verdade que solo fixemos un par de tiradas xa que non dispoñamos de moito tempo, pero, ó cabo desas tiradas él foi o gañador. Así se lle fixo entrega do noso gran premio: unha picota!! Parabéns Dani!!

Esta será a 1ª de moitas partidas que vamos botar!





TRIVIAL PMAR (2ª parte)

How´s it going, mates? This little project of ours is becoming more and more consistent!!

Isto xa vai collendo forma!!

Xa temos unha caixiña onde imos gardar as nosas preguntas. De momento temos as tarxetas con preguntas de 3 diferentes materias (Castelán, galego e historia). Pero estamos a piques que rematar cas das outras asignaturas para incluílas no noso xogo:

A caixiña cas nosas preguntas:

E unhas imaxes das tarxetiñas que estamos a elaborar:

Pra semana que ven, xa estaremos listos pra empezar a xogar!!

Photos will be here!!


Hiya!! Eiquí vos mostrarei unhas imáxenes dun proxecto que levamos preparando no aula nos últimos meses: un TRIVIAL, co seu taboleiro e tarxetas, todo feito polos alumnos de 2ESOC!!

A finalidade deste TRIVIAL é básicamente disfrutar aprendendo xa que os alumnos teñen que crear o taboleiro, escribir as preguntas e facer e plastificar as tarxetas para poder xogar ó final!!

Desta maneira, ó mesmo tempo que aprenden a ser creativos e realizar tareas colaborativas en grupo  irán repasando diversos conceptos e ideas que levamos aprendido durante este ano escolar nas materias de Galego, Castelán, Matemáticas, Inglés, historia e sociales (onde temos tamén unha sección adicada ó tempo, a climatoloxía, climas e paisaxes, como parte do proxecto METEOESCOLAS, no que estamos integrados).


Eiquí vemos os comenzos da nosa creación: o noso Taboleiro!!

 Tamén os rapaces disfrutaron facendo as diferentes preguntas no ordenador:

 Estas preguntas foron realizadas polos alumnos despois de leer e revisar unhas pequenas fichas teóricas coma esta da foto sobre CLIMAS e PAISAXES:


Ou esta daquí abaixo sobre o CICLO da Auga, O QUECEMENTO GLOBAL do planeta e aparatos que se usan para medir diferentes fenómenos atmosféricos tales como a choiva ou o vento!!:

Así despois destes "apuntes" teóricos, os alumnos puxéronse mans á obra ca elaboración das tarxetiñas cas preguntas:

Recortandoas e plastificandoas despois:


Así nos quedaban antes de plastificalas:

 Agora tocaba plastificalas!!:


Listas!! Recortar e gardalas pra caixa!! Pra empezar con outras!!









WEATHER IN THE WORLD. Afondamento en Expresión Oral en Inglés 1º ESO

Our final project is called Little Ants, a version in English of the well-known Spanish TV programme: El Hormiguero, with 6th graders from Belesar school and from our own school as the audience. This year, we decided to include a section called : Weather in the world as a part of our school project: Meteoescolas.

The aim of our contribution was to shoot an international weather forecast , with real weather maps and real temperatures and predictions, using both Celsius and Fahrenheit degrees .

We devoted four sessions to look for information, design the PPT presentations and shoot the predictions individually to be “broadcast” as fake satellite connections from different speaking English countries in the TV show.

We had some technical problems with the quality of the audio when shooting the programme, but apart from that the result was highly positive.


The making of the Weather in the World ( click on attached files)


Little Ants- Weather in the Word with CEIP Belesar


HAMLET 17-18: This promises!

Although we have only had 3 rehearsals, we've  shot  The Burial  today. It's been great fun and I'm really happy with the result as everybody was into character: Pablo and Laura were fantastic as Hamlet and Horatio; Dani as the grave-digger,  singing in tune; Victor was awesome as Laertes , Germán and Jule, stunning as King Claudius and Queen Gertrude. Villagers: Elena, Xoel, Zaira and Andrea; Antía the guard; Candela the priest, Alba as Dead Ophelia and Sergio and Eduardo with the camera were excellent too. So this version promises!

Well done everyone!







4º ESO time capsules are ready to be buried somewhere in our school! They contain pictures of the latest electronic gadgets, lists of songs and films and messages for the people who'll find them in the future.



4º ESO time capsules! what a coincidence!


Two Victorian time capsules have just been recovered from the National Temperance Hospital site on Hampstead Road, London.

Who knows? maybe they'll find your time capsule in 100 years' time.

Click on the link to find out more:


The Oxford contest finished yesterday. We were not among the ten finalists, but we really want to thank you all for your support.





Como xa sabedes os vosos/as compañeiros/as de 1º e 4º ESO están a participar nun concurso de teatro de Shakespeare. Cantos máis votos, máis posibilidades de quedar no TOP TEN e deses 10, a organización elixirá a obra ganadora.


- Tedes que introducir unha conta de correo para votar. De seguido sairá un cadriño cun "recaptcha" nel que tedes que clicar e indicar as opcións que vos pidan.

- Logo sairá outro cadro nel que vos informan que tedes que confirmar o voso voto no voso correo.

- Finalmente abrides o voso correo e o mail que vos mandou a editorial e clicades na ligazón para confirmar o voto.

Este sistema é para evitar unha votación fraudulenta.

Así que a votar !!!

Aquí tedes as ligazóns:

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Is Internet aaddiction really a problem?

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Punto Laranxa contra o acoso escolar


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