Instituto de ensinanza secundaria, bacharelato, ciclos formativos e adultos

Our school develops an IT and Network Administration Course on an ISCED 5B Program

It is a 2000 hours course during two school years, with 384 hours of work experience. Our school is responsible of getting Internship Arrangments with partner Enterprises.

First course takes place from mid-september to mid-june, during wich time student take theorical and practical classes at our facilities. Second course begins on mid-september and until mid-march the students remain at our facilities. From april to mid-june students follow their course in a partner Enterprise, getting the work experience that completes their schollarship. During practise time, students are requested to deploy an end-of-studies project that they must present to their teachers so they demonstrate that they have achieved an all-round comprehension of their studies.

The topics of study and their distribution during the 2-year course are as it is shown in the following table:

Subject Hours Year ECTS Weekly Sessions
Operating Systems Deployment 213 15 8
Network Administration and Planning 213 12 8
Hardware Fundamentals 107 6 4
Database Management 183 11 7
MarkUp Languages and Information Management Sistems 133 7 5
Operating Systems Administration 140 8 8
Network and Internet Services 140 8 8
Web Applications Deployment 122 6 7
Database Management Systems Administration 70 5 4
Security and High Availability 105 6 5
IT and Network Administration Project 26 5 -
Training and Employment Guidance
107 5 4
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship 53 4 3
Internship 384 22 -















You can download the complete course curriculum using this link (in Galician language), as well as the Europass Diploma Supplement (in English):

CS Administracion sistemas informaticos en rede.pdf365.88 KB
Europass-HTCNSM.pdf141.12 KB