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Proxecto Boiro

Lía's Brochure Boiro Guide

This is my Boiro Guide's brochure, the work of the first avaliation.


·Brochure FRONT SIDE


·Brochure BACK SIDE

العناية بالبشرة

قناع وجه

فيتامين سي

فوائد فيتامين سي للبشرة

تساقط الشعر

Lía's Brochure "Tangled Paths"

This is the brochure of my route through Boiro, the work of the second avaliation.


 ·Brochure FRONT SIDE


 ·Brochure BACK SIDE



Uxía's Brochure

 This is my boiro project work from the first avaliation:

 This is the OUTER SIDE



 And this is the INNER SIDE



And this my boiro project work from the الثلج  second avaliation:

 This is the OUTER SIDE



 And this is the INNER SIDE



Ruta por Boiro

Boas! Son Xavier Polo, de 1ºE. Fixen unha ruta por Boiro e cóntovos por donde hai que ir para facela neste folleto:


Distribuir contido

by Dr. Radut