Arts and crafts

Van Gogh and his bedroom

We've been learning a lot about Vincent Van Gogh in Arts and Crafts recently. We found out he was born in Netherlands but lived in France too. He had two brothers and three sisters. He died very young at 37 years old. 

Estivemos aprendendo moitas cousas de Vincent Van Gogh en Arts and Crafts ultimamente. Descubrimos que naceu en Holanda pero tamén viviu en Francia. Tivo dous irmáns e tres irmás. Morreu moi novo, con 37 anos.

We looked at some of his most famous paintings: The Potato Eaters, Starry Night, Cafe Terrace at Night, The Sunflowers, Bedroom in Arles...

Estudiamos algúns dos seus cadros maís famosos: Os comedores de patacas, Noite estrelada, Terraza dun café pola noite, Os xirasois, A habitación de Arles...

Finally, we painted our own bedroom and presented it to our mates.

 Por último, pintamos a nosa propiahabitación e presentámola aos compañeiros.


Andy Warhol soup cans

We coloured Andy Warhol's famous Campbell soup cans and made up new flavours: strawberry soup, grapes soup, cotton candy soup, chocolate soup... Which one is your favourite?

Coloreamos as famosas latas de sopa Campbell de Andy Warhol e inventamos novos sabores: sopa de fresa, de uvas, de algodón de azucre, de chocolate... Cal é a túa preferida?

24th February: Rosalía's day

Celebrating Rosalía de Castro's day in Arts & Crafts.

Celebrando o día de Rosalía de Castro en Plástica.


In the history of art, we inevitably stop in Ancient Egypt, not only famous for its architecture (the impressive pyramids), but also for its paintings and sculpture.

We wanted to recreate the bust of Nefertiti in a collage using different materials: cardboard, foam, felt, buttons... But, do you know who Nefertiti was?

Nefertiti was the wife of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten. She used to be a very pretty girl. In fact part of his name "Nefer" means "beauty".

Na historia da arte, temos que deternos inevitablemente no Antigo Exipto, non só famoso pola súa arquitectura (as impresionantes pirámides), senon tamen pola súa pintura e escultura.

Nós quixemos recrear o busto de Nefertiti nun collage usando diferentes materiais: cartulina, goma eva, fieltro, botóns... Pero sabedes quen era Nefertiti?

Nefertiti era a muller do Faraón exipcio Akenatón. Era unha moza moi fermosa. De feito, parte do seu nome "Nefer" significa "beleza".

Prehistoric Art (cave paintings)

As we are studying animals in English this month, we took advantage to look at some of the first representations of animals in art.

We found paintings of animals in cave walls and ceilings which date back to around 35,000 years ago. They are mainly wild animals like horses, deers, bisons... Sometimes, humans  appear as hunters too. Apart from animals and hunters, human hands are quite common in these paintings.

And now, it is our turn to paint wild animals in a cave wall like people in Prehistory used to do.

And this is the result in Capela:


And in Pazo:


And finally, in Quintáns:

Como estamos estudando os animais en inglés este mes, aproveitamos para ollar algunhas das primeiras representacións de animais na arte.

Atopamos pinturas de animais en paredes e teitos de covas de hai arredor de 35.000 anos. Son maioritariamente animais salvaxes como cabalos, cervos, bisontes... Algunhas veces tamén aparecen humanos como cazadores. A parte de animais e cazadores, as mans humanas son bastante frecuentes nestas pinturas.

E agora é o noso turno de pintar animais salvaxes na parede dunha cova como facía a xente na Prehistoria.

E velaiquí o resultado en Capela, en Pazo e finalmente en Quintáns.


Botero, an artist for our calendar

This is the page we designed in Pazo for the school calendar this year. It represents a museum with some of most famous Botero's paintings. Botero is a Colombian painter and sculptor. As you can see, Botero usually draws exaggerated fat characters.

Esta é a páxina que deseñamos en Pazo para o calendario do colexio deste ano. Representa un museo con algunhas das obras máis famosas de Botero. Botero é un pintor e escultor colombiano. Como podedes ver, é frecuente que Botero debuxe personaxes esaxeradamente gordos.

Colouring a big "Apalpador"

Here is our "Apalpador", a giant that lives in the woods and visits the children on December 31 when they are asleep. He touches their bellies to check if they ate or didn't during the entire year. Finally he gives the children chestnuts and toys. 

Velaquí o noso "Apalpador", un xigante que vive no monte e visita aos nenos/as a noite do 31 de decembro cando están durmidos. Tócalles as barriguiñas para comprobar se comeron ou non durante todo o ano. Finalmente dalles aos nenos castañas e xoguetes.


More Christmas cards...

After the Christmas cards we made as a group to send to our future schoolmates of CEIP Castelao and CEP Brea Segade, we wanted to make individual cards to send our families and friends.

Despois das tarxetas de Nadal que elaboramos como grupo para enviar aos nosos futuros compañeiros/as do CEIP Castelao e do CEP Brea Segade, quixemos facer postais individuais para enviar ás nosas familias e amigos.

These are the Christmas cards we made in Pazo:

Estas son as tarxetas de Nadal que fixemos en Pazo:

And these were made in Capela: 

E estas foron feitas en Caoela:


Christmas cards for CEIP Castelao and CEP Brea Segade

As usual in this time of the year, pupils in 2nd grade Primary in Pazo and Quintáns wish Merry Christmas to their future schoolmates in CEIP Castelao (Rianxo) and the ones in Capela do the same thing with those in CEP Brea Segade (Taragoña).

Como é habitual nesta época do ano, os nenos de 2º de Primaria de Pazo e Quintáns deséxanlle un Bo Nadal aos seus futuros compañeiros do CEIP Castelao (Rianxo) e os de Capela fan o mesmo cos do CEP Brea segade (Taragoña).

These are the Christmas cards we designed in Arts and Crafts:

Estas son as postais que deseñamos en Arts and Crafts:

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