Van Gogh and his bedroom

We've been learning a lot about Vincent Van Gogh in Arts and Crafts recently. We found out he was born in Netherlands but lived in France too. He had two brothers and three sisters. He died very young at 37 years old. 

Estivemos aprendendo moitas cousas de Vincent Van Gogh en Arts and Crafts ultimamente. Descubrimos que naceu en Holanda pero tamén viviu en Francia. Tivo dous irmáns e tres irmás. Morreu moi novo, con 37 anos.

We looked at some of his most famous paintings: The Potato Eaters, Starry Night, Cafe Terrace at Night, The Sunflowers, Bedroom in Arles...

Estudiamos algúns dos seus cadros maís famosos: Os comedores de patacas, Noite estrelada, Terraza dun café pola noite, Os xirasois, A habitación de Arles...

Finally, we painted our own bedroom and presented it to our mates.

 Por último, pintamos a nosa propiahabitación e presentámola aos compañeiros.