Arts and crafts

Let's draw a robot

Some rectangles, a square, some circles and some lines... and we have a robot!

Our cats are famous all over the world!

Do you remember that some weeks ago, we learnt how to draw cats following the instructions of a "Super Simple Draw" video? After that, we sent them the sixteen drawings we had done in Capela and Pazo and... guess what? They decided to publish three of them in their videos!!! These are Sabela and Breogán's from Capela and Daniela's from Pazo. Amazing, isn't it? Now our drawings are being watched all over the world.

Lembrades que, hai unhas semanas, aprendemos a debuxar gatos seguindo as instruccións dun video de "Super Simple Draw"? Despois diso, enviámoslles os dezaseis debuxos que fixeramos en Capela e Pazo e.. adiviñade que? Decidiron publicar tres deles nos seus videos!!! Son os de Sabela e Breogán de Capela e o de Daniela de Pazo. Alucinante, non si? Agora os nosos debuxos vense por todo o mundo.

Getting ready for Magosto

This week, we are celebrating Magosto in Outeiro school. We'll sing, play and eat baked chestnuts. Precisely, for keeping the chestnuts, we made these baskets out of empty briks of milk. We also used foam, paper and wool.

Esta semana celebramos o Magosto na escola de Outeiro. Cantaremos, xogaremos e comerems castañas asadas. Precisamente para gardar as castañas, fixemos estas cestas con briks de leite baleiros. Tamén usamos goma eva, papel e lá.

Happy Halloween

We celebrated Halloween and Samhain making these scary skeletons out of white ear sticks.

Celebramos Halloween e Samaín facendo estes esqueletos terroríficos con bastonciños dos oídos brancos.

Happy Halloween!

How to draw a cat

A circle, some triangles, an oval, some rectangles and... voilá, a cat! Easy, isn't it?

Un círculo, uns cantos triángulos, un óvalo, algúns rectángulos e... voilá, un gato! Doado, non?

Shapes to begin the school year

Here we are again after the summer holidays. We want to draw, colour, mould, cut, stick..., that is, create art again. So as to begin, we watched two videos to learn shapes in English. They will be very useful in the future.

Aquí estamos de volta despois das vacacións de verán. Queremos debuxar, colorear, moldear, recortar, pegar..., en definitiva, crear arte de novo. Así que para empezar, vimos dous videos para aprender as formas en inglés. Serannos moi útiles no futuro.

Good bye "Traveling Notebook"

With the arrival of summer and the end of the school year, we must say bye-bye to our friends in EEI Fernández Varela, EEI de Vilariño and Nerys Welch Homeschool, partners of the "Traveling Notebooks" project. It was fun getting to know you, learning and practising English by reading your notebooks and writing you in return and realising that no matter where we live or what language we speak, we are not so different.

We are looking forward to hearing from you again next school year! Happy holidays!

Coa chegada do verán e a fin do curso escolar, debemos dicir adeus aos nos@s amig@s da EEI Fernández Varela, EEI de Vilariño e da Escola na Casa de Nerys Welch, compañeir@s do proxecto das "Libretas Viaxeiras". Foi moi divertido coñecervos, aprender e practicar inglés lendo as vosas libretas e escribíndovos de volta e darse conta que sen importar onde vivamos ou que lingua falemos, non somos tan diferentes.

Esperamos volver saber de vós o curso próximo. Boas vacacións!

Towers of Pisa

To finish an entire year learning about the different manifestations of art, we couldn't forget about architecture: the art of designing and constructing buildings. We discovered amazing buildings that look like geometric shapes (prism, sphere, pyramid, cone, cube and cylinder) and learned about the different materials (metal, wood, stone, glass...) used to build them. 

Para rematar un ano enteiro aprendendo sobre as diferentes manifestacións da arte, non podiamos esquecernos da arquitectura: a arte de deseñar e construír edificios. Descubrimos edificios que semellan figuras xeométricas (prisma, esfera, pirámide, cono, cubo e cilindro) e aprendemos os diferentes materiais (metal, madeira, pedra, cristal...) que se empregan para construilos.

Eventually, it was our turn to create one of the most famous towers in the world. This tower looks like a cylinder and although the original one was made of stone, we used paper rolls, rubbers and paint to make ours. 

Para rematar, chegounos o turno de crear unha das torres máis famosas do mundo. Esta torre semella un cilindro e ainda que a orixinal foi feita de pedra, nós usamos rollos de papel, gomas e pintura para facer a nosa.

Do you recognise it? It is the Tower of Pisa.

Recoñecédela? É a Torre de Pisa.

And the Oscar goes to...

It is said that cinema is the seventh art and since we are studying the different artistic manifestations we couldn't leave it out. We've been talking about movies and characters well known by our students: Elsa and Ana from Frozen, Lightning McQueen from Cars, Mowgli from The Jungle Book... Later we created our own Oscar statuettes with golden glitter. Finally, we performed The Oscar Awards Ceremony and chose our favourite movie and character to give our statuette. It was fun!

Dise que o cine é a sétima arte e xa que nós estamos estudando as diferentes manifestacións artísticas, non podiamos obvialo. Estivemos a falar de películas e personaxes ben coñecidos polo alumnado: Elsa e Ana de Frozen, Raio McQueen de Cars, Mowgli do Libro da Selva... Despois creamos as nosas propias estatuíñas Óscar con purpurina dourada. Finalmente, interpretamos a Cerimonia dos Premios Óscar e eliximos a nosa película e personaxe favoritos para entregarlles a nosa estatuíña. Foi moi divertido!

Mother's Day and Family Day

The first Sunday of May is Mother's Day in Spain. In Pazo we decorated flowerpots to give our mums. We painted ladybirds on them.

O primeiro domingo de maio é o Día da Nai en España. En Pazo, decoramos unhas macetas para agasallar ás nosas nais. Pintámoslles unhas xoaniñas.

15th May is Family Day. Children in Capela became real artists portraying their families in a real canvas. First, we studied portraits of famous artists like Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa or Goya's Family of Charles IV. Then, we painted our own family portraits. Look what lovely paintings!!! 

O 15 de maio é o Día da Familia. Os nenos/as de Capela convertéronse en verdadeiros artistas retratando as súas familias nun lenzo de verdade. Primeiro estudamos retratos de artistas famosos como a Mona Lisa de Leonardo da Vinci ou a Familia de Carlos IV de Goya. Despois, pintamos os nosos propios retratos familiares. Mirade que cadros tan bonitos!

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