And the Oscar goes to...

It is said that cinema is the seventh art and since we are studying the different artistic manifestations we couldn't leave it out. We've been talking about movies and characters well known by our students: Elsa and Ana from Frozen, Lightning McQueen from Cars, Mowgli from The Jungle Book... Later we created our own Oscar statuettes with golden glitter. Finally, we performed The Oscar Awards Ceremony and chose our favourite movie and character to give our statuette. It was fun!

Dise que o cine é a sétima arte e xa que nós estamos estudando as diferentes manifestacións artísticas, non podiamos obvialo. Estivemos a falar de películas e personaxes ben coñecidos polo alumnado: Elsa e Ana de Frozen, Raio McQueen de Cars, Mowgli do Libro da Selva... Despois creamos as nosas propias estatuíñas Óscar con purpurina dourada. Finalmente, interpretamos a Cerimonia dos Premios Óscar e eliximos a nosa película e personaxe favoritos para entregarlles a nosa estatuíña. Foi moi divertido!