Our cats are famous all over the world!

Do you remember that some weeks ago, we learnt how to draw cats following the instructions of a "Super Simple Draw" video? After that, we sent them the sixteen drawings we had done in Capela and Pazo and... guess what? They decided to publish three of them in their videos!!! These are Sabela and Breogán's from Capela and Daniela's from Pazo. Amazing, isn't it? Now our drawings are being watched all over the world.

Lembrades que, hai unhas semanas, aprendemos a debuxar gatos seguindo as instruccións dun video de "Super Simple Draw"? Despois diso, enviámoslles os dezaseis debuxos que fixeramos en Capela e Pazo e.. adiviñade que? Decidiron publicar tres deles nos seus videos!!! Son os de Sabela e Breogán de Capela e o de Daniela de Pazo. Alucinante, non si? Agora os nosos debuxos vense por todo o mundo.