
In the history of art, we inevitably stop in Ancient Egypt, not only famous for its architecture (the impressive pyramids), but also for its paintings and sculpture.

We wanted to recreate the bust of Nefertiti in a collage using different materials: cardboard, foam, felt, buttons... But, do you know who Nefertiti was?

Nefertiti was the wife of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten. She used to be a very pretty girl. In fact part of his name "Nefer" means "beauty".

Na historia da arte, temos que deternos inevitablemente no Antigo Exipto, non só famoso pola súa arquitectura (as impresionantes pirámides), senon tamen pola súa pintura e escultura.

Nós quixemos recrear o busto de Nefertiti nun collage usando diferentes materiais: cartulina, goma eva, fieltro, botóns... Pero sabedes quen era Nefertiti?

Nefertiti era a muller do Faraón exipcio Akenatón. Era unha moza moi fermosa. De feito, parte do seu nome "Nefer" significa "beleza".