Christmas cards for CEIP Castelao and CEP Brea Segade

As usual in this time of the year, pupils in 2nd grade Primary in Pazo and Quintáns wish Merry Christmas to their future schoolmates in CEIP Castelao (Rianxo) and the ones in Capela do the same thing with those in CEP Brea Segade (Taragoña).

Como é habitual nesta época do ano, os nenos de 2º de Primaria de Pazo e Quintáns deséxanlle un Bo Nadal aos seus futuros compañeiros do CEIP Castelao (Rianxo) e os de Capela fan o mesmo cos do CEP Brea segade (Taragoña).

These are the Christmas cards we designed in Arts and Crafts:

Estas son as postais que deseñamos en Arts and Crafts: