Novas e actividades

Visita guiada a Vilagarcía

O pasado mércores o alumnado do departamentro de inglés descibriu anécdotas e parte da historia da zona con Emma, a guía que veu desde Santiago a explicarnos a evolución da Vila. Disfrutamos dun agradable paseo e descubrimos moitas curiosidades.

Gracias, Emma, e gracias a todo o alumnado participante.


Come and join us to meet Kevin Weatherill (Immaculate Fools) next Thursday, April 11th. He'll talk about his life and music, and we'll get to listen to some of their songs live.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day!! If you want to learn more about the Emerald Isle, click here!

Vilagarcía guided tour


Join us for a walking guided tour of Vilagarcía in English and discover fun facts about our town!

Sign in at CONSERXERÍA before April 16th.

AVISO: O alumnado menor de idade deberá traer asinado polo pai/nai/titores o consentimento que se lle entregará en Conserxería no momento de anotarse. Sen ese consentimento non poderá realizar a saída.


Oscars Ballot 2024

 Os OSCAR xa están de novo aquí. Se estás a estudiar inglés con nós, participa na enquisa e podes gañar un dos dous bonos anuais para o Cine Clube ÁDEGA que sorteamos. Vota (só unha vez!) ata o 8 de marzo. 

PANCAKE DAY no Book Club B2

We celebrated a belated Pancake Day with the Book Club Conversations over a Cup of Tea, and we are celebrating again next Monday, fancy a pancake?



Christmas with Bonnie Cooper

On Wednesday, December 20th, come and enjoy an hour of music and activities in English with teacher and singer Bonnie Cooper.




Xa temos as persoas gañadoras do noso concurso Linguistic Selfie: Rosario Fabeiro e Sergio Ares. PARABÉNS!!




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