Novas e actividades

Storytelling session - Richard Marsh - Wednesday 2nd May @12.00 and 18.00

Do you know any Galician traditional 'urco' stories? If so, do not hesitate to share them on Wednesday 2nd May @EOI  Vilagarcía, in a morning and evening session! Richard Marsh, an Irish author and story teller will join us on the day to tell us traditional Irish folk stories. He has been to 55 EOIs in the last 18 years, so you should not miss this wonderful oportunity! See you there.


Teatro en Inglés

Non perdas esta ocasión de asistir o mércores, 11 de abril, a una obra de teatro en inglés!!! Seguro que disfrutaremos moito del na EOI de Vilagarcía. Toda a información no arquivo adxunto. Preme neste link e atopa os mellores momentos desta actividade.

Busca Ovos de Pascua

O vindeiro, xoves, 22 de marzo, a partir das 18.30h se sabes alemán, francés ou inglés participa e gaña un fabuloso premio na

busca de ovos de Pascua. Consulta as bases do concurso neste adxunto.



Fàilte air Alba! Welcome to Scotland!

Fàilte air Alba!  Welcome to Scotland!

Do not miss this interesting and dynamic talk about Scotland, by James Orange, an ELT Consultant for Oxford University Press. After studying law and several years of English teaching, he has worked in the publishing industry here in Spain for almost three decades. He lives in Galicia and loves travelling, learning and sports.

With him, we will be able to learn about Scotland and go through a virtual tour of the geography, history and culture of this beautiful country. An interactive talk with videos, images and a final quiz. Don't miss it!


Winner of the Pumpkin Carving Contest

Pumpkin Carving Contest Winner


Here is a picture of the winner of the Pumpkin Carving Contest organized by the English Department and the EDL. All the carved pumpkins were fantastic in terms of creativity and expression. The original design is by Paula Ramos, an Intermediate 1 English student.




Pumpkin Carving Contest

Pumpkin Carving Contest

Would you like to bring your pumpkin?

Find the contest rules in this file.

And the prize goes to...

You would be pleased to know that the Oscars' poll prize this year goes to´...


Mª Ángeles Torres

Avanzado 2.2


Not only has she guessed right 6 out of the 7 categories of the poll, but she also was selected in the draw held this afternoon. 

Due to the fact that not a single student got all 7 categories correct, the draw was held this afternoon among all those who have guessed 5 or 6 categories.

Mª Ángeles Torres will be given the prize this week, consisting on a £50 voucher at Nobel book shop.




Resultado das eleccións USA na Escola


Trala retirada da urna que estivo no hall da escola os días 2, 3 e 4 de novembro, e con antelación á votación real do 8 de novembro nos Estados Unidos, fíxose o reconto de votos e se obtivo o seguinte resultado:

97 votos a favor de Hillary Clinton

63 votos a favor de Donald Trump

2 votos en branco


Grazas a todos e todas os que participastes.


Departamento de Inglés


Mock USA Elections - 2nd to 4th NOV


From the 2nd to the 4th of November we will be celebrating a mock election among the students of EOI Vilagarcía, in order for them to vote who is they favourite candidate for the USA presidential elections, which will be officially held on the 8th of November. 

You can come to the hall of the school and choose either a red (Republican - Trump) or blue (Dremocratic - Hillary) ballot and put it in they ballot box, until Friday 4th at 20.00. 

Who would you vote for? 


Mock USA elections 2016

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