
Discover Florida with Mary Kate O’Leary

Discover FloridaGet to know the Sunshine State!

Mary Kate O’Leary will give an interactive presentation on her home state. Activity for B1-B2 students.

Monday, 13th December 2021, 18:30 - 19:30, Room 18. Sección de Negreira, Departamento de Inglés.

6th Mini Saga Contest

Consurco mini-sagasCan you imagine a story in exactly 50 words?

Participate in the 6th edition of the Mini Saga Contest of the EOI de Santiago de Compostela!

Participation terms:

  • To enter, you must be a B2.2. or a C-level student enrolled in the EOI of Santiago de Compostela (Vite) or its satellite schools.
  • Write your mini saga in exactly 50 words (plus a title up to 15 words).
  • Send your text to no later than January 14th, 2022. Make sure you include your full name and the name of your group.

English Book Club 2nd Meeting

Book club SarOur second meeting will discuss Khaled Hosseini's third book, And The Mountains Echoed, an unforgettable novel about finding a lost piece of yourself in someone else.

Participation is limited to the first 18 students who sign up here.

Hope to see you on January 14th 2022 at 6:30pm at the school library (IES de Sar). Happy reading!

Halloween en Ordes

Festa HalloweenO día 27 de outubro do 2021 o alumnado da EOI na sección de Ordes paticipou nun quiz pensado para compartir información sobre a celabración cultural da festa de Halloween. Asemade tivieron que participar na colaboración de relatos de medo en lingua inglesa.

Como agasallo polas devanditas actividades, todo o alumnado recibiu un diploma pola sua participación e os gañadores (Javier Rodríguez Vázquez e María Carmen Barbeito Bestilleiro) recibiron un lote de libros en inglés relacionados coa temática da maxia e o misterio.


Join the EOI Sar Book Club!

Book club SarOur first meeting will be held at the library of the IES de Sar on Friday, November 26.

We won't have a specific book to discuss. Instead, we will talk about our expectations for the club, exhange book recommendations and get informed about the dates and times of this academic year's book club meetings.

Participation is limited to the first 18 students who sign up. If you want to join the meeting, sign up here.

Hope to see you on November 26. Save the date!

Puppet making workshop / obradoiro de monicreques

PuppetsO día 18 de outubro ás 19 horas tivo lugar un obradoiro na sección de inglés da EOI en Ordes destinado ao alumnado do nivel A2. Consistiu en visualizar primeiro unha obra de teatro en inglés titulada “The Banana School” e logo participou nun diálogo sobre a mesma. Por último, o alumnado fixo un monicreque con material de refugallo para crear un personaxe e de seguido, inventou unha historia para a súa representación.

A devandita actividade resultou motivadora e espertou o interese de todos os participantes pola súa orixinalidade.

Autumn in Galicia: Photo caption contest

Cartel concursoCapturing the beauty of a Galician fall in pictures and words.

What: A photo caption contest for A1-B2 students to showcase their photography and English writing skills.
Where: Online via Padlet and published in the English Department’s Cultural Activities virtual space in Moodle.
Why: To capture the essence of fall in Galicia through photos and words.
How: By posting an original photo with a caption in English to a public Padlet.
When: November 1-30 as outlined below.

Winner of our Photography and writing contest: capturing public spaces

NaplesWe want to send a big thank you to the students who participated in our contest! And a special congratulations to Juan Gestal, the winner of the €50 book voucher for his entry Naples, the Authentic Italy.   

The authors of the following entries will receive a €25 book voucher each. Congratulations!

Yoga at your desk: Combat exam stress

Relaxed catMove your body, reduce stress, and give your brain a boost! Combat exam stress in this 50’ virtual class with yoga instructor Melissa Krecklow.

This mostly-seated class will teach you simple, effective stretches that you can do right at your desk, at any time. All you need is a chair!

Tuesday 11th May 2021 from 21:00 to 21:50.

B2, C1, and C2 students welcome!

Photography and writing contest: capturing public spaces

Photography contestThe English department at EOI de Santiago de Compostela invites all C1 and C2 students to enter this contest, inspired by the Jane’s Walk Global Movement.

With your photograph and your writing, you fully capture the value of public space in terms of urban planning, architecture, community life, and/or personal experience.

Your text can be descriptive, narrative, or expository, and your style can be journalistic, literary, or factual.

  •     Open to all current C level students at EOI de Santiago de Compostela (Vite and seccións).
  •     Each submission consists of one photograph in JPG format and one text (100-150 words, including the title).
  •     Participants must submit their works by email
  •     Individuals may enter more than one submission.
  •     Submissions will be accepted from April 8th, 2021 through April 25th, 2021.
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