
Recipes, film, and song from Amish/Mennonite Cooking and Culture session

To those who attended our latest cooking and culture session with Eugene, we hope you find all these links useful!

Here is the song from the session about the Amish (a parody of Gangsta's Paradise):

Television in Minority Languages: Scottish Gaelic and Welsh in comparison to Galician

Craig WillisHave you ever thought about the role of public media in the preservation of minority languages?

As a researcher at the European Centre for Minority Issues and PhD candidate at Europa-Universität Flensburg, Craig Willis studies minority languages and focuses on their presence in public media. In his talk, he will tell us about the situation of two minority languages in the UK, Scottish Gaelic and Welsh, and compare them to Galician.

Monday, 27th March 2023 at 19:30. Salón de Actos.

Food, Culture and Conversation with Eugene: Amish and Mennonite Culture

AmishThe words Amish and Mennonite conjure up images of horse-drawn buggies, rural settings and a deeply religious lifestyle.

Our language assistant, Eugene, will walk us through both the Amish and Mennonite cultures, based on her time living in Pennsylvania and Washington D.C.

Tuesday, 21st March, 16:00. Salón de actos. Seats are limited, so contact your teacher for instructions to sign up!

Imaxe | Tenor

And the Oscar goes to...

OscarWin a streaming service subscription! Fill in the ballot with your favourite nominees. The contestant with the most hits wins the prize. In case of a tie, the contestant who answered first will be the winner.

March 6th to 11th. EOI Sección de Ribeira. You can read the contest rules here.

Book club 3rd meeting

3rd meetingOur third meeting will discuss R.J. Palacio's Wonder, an uplifting novel that reminds us how important it is to stop judging others by their looks.

Friday, 14th April at 6:30pm in the library of the Sección de Sar.

Participation is limited to the first 15 students who sign up here.

Book Club 2nd meeting

Book club 2nd meetingOur second meeting will discuss Emma Healey's debut novel Elizabeth is Missing, a haunting psychological thriller in which the protagonist, an elderly woman suffering from dementia, remembers nothing but the fact that her dear friend Elizabeth is missing.

February, 24 at 6:30 pm in the library of the Sección de Sar.

Participation is limited to the first 15 C-level students who sign up here.

Teatro nas Xornadas da lingua e o reino, entre Compostela e Braga


No posto máis célebre de venda ambulante en castelos e vilas rexentado polo taberneiro PERO encóntranse ALDONÇA, raíña destronada, e BERNAL, comerciante de viños .

Pero está representando a sucesión dinástica de Afonso VIII usando títeres e obxectos mentres Aldonça contempla admirada a súa propia historia.

O encontro entre os tres reflicte a vida cotiá do século XIII e os conflitos da sucesión dinástica de Afonso VIII rei de Galiza e León en favor de Sancha e Aldonça e a confabulación para que Fernando III O Santo lles usurpe o trono.

Terra de Raíñas: Terza feira, 31 de xaneiro. 19:00 h. Centro socio-cultural de Vite

Organización e curadoría: Deputación da Coruña e Rede da GaliLusofonia.

Coa colaboración de: Escola Oficial de Idiomas de Santiago de Compostela; aRi[t]mar galiza e portugal; Escola de Letras, Ciências e Artes Humanas da Universidade do Minho e Convergências Portugal Galiza.

Consulta aquí o programa completo das Xornadas.

School trip to Gibraltar

School tripGot the travel bug? Discover Gibraltar with us next April!

If you are over 18 and interested in a short language immersion experience, contact your teacher for more information.

Conference: Mixed Culture. Scotland & India

Mixed culturesAre you interested in cultures around the world? Would you like to develop your listening skills while learning about them?

Come and join us for this wonderful trip.

Our language assistant in Sar, Eva Shah, will tell you everything about how Scottish and Indian cultures mix nowadays.

Thursday 26th January 2023, 18:30 to 19.30, Salón de actos, IES de Sar.

Tea & Conversation in Negreira

cup of teaWould you like to discover new types of tea while you improve your speaking skills? Then don’t miss our Tea & Conversation activity!

Thursday, 22 December 2022 (19:00) – IES Xulíán Magariños (Negreira) – Room 19

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