
Sección de Ordes

IES Ordes (código do centro: 15027782)
Rúa Mestre Nicolás del Río, s/n
15680 Ordes
(A Coruña)
Teléfono 881 960 334

Contacto: eoi.santiago.ordes@edu.xunta.gal

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Profesorado do departamento de inglés - Ordes

Aquí pode consultar os grupos a cargo de cada profesor/a e os seus horarios de titorías, así como información de contacto.

Servizo de biblioteca na sección de Ordes


  • mércores de 16:30 a 17:00
  • xoves de 19:00 a 19:30
  • venres de 16:00 a 17:00

Saint Patrick's Day in Ordes

Co gallo do Día de San Patricio, na sección de Ordes celebramos a cultura irlandesa con moitas actividades: photocall, música, baile, un quiz con premios e tarefas de lingua.

Tea Party in Ordes


We are soon hosting an afternoon tea party to spoil you, students, and to celebrate spring!

Do you fancy attending it to find out all the secrets about tea brewery in Britain, and how to throw an afternoon tea party in style?

Do join us!

 25th April at 18:30 in the Sección Ordes

Our traditional high tea will include a selection of delicately filled finger sandwiches, scones with jam and cream, and a wide variety of specialist teas. And of course, everything served on pretty cups and platters.


Culture Shock. Talk by Máté Bartha

Do you know what Culture Shock is?
Come and listen to Máté Bartha tell us about his first impressions when he arrived in Galicia to find out!
20th February
Sección Ordes
Levels B1, B2 and C1

Christmas Festival in Ordes

Ugly sweater contest

Na Sección de Ordes xa estamos a argallar as actividades para o Festival de Nadal!

Sabíades que nos países de fala inglesa o terceiro venres do mes de decembro celébranse concursos para elixir o xersei máis feo do Nadal?

Este ano o Ugly Christmas Sweater Day celébrase o 15 de decembro pero na Sección de Ordes imos celebralo o 21 de decembro.

Poderedes atopar as bases do concurso nas aulas virtuais.

Halloween Party in Ordes

Come to our Halloween party, the scariest experience of the year!

Bring your costume! There are lots of activities waiting for you. Fun guaranteed!

30th October, Sección de Ordes, Room 1201 at 6:30pm

Journey to the land Down Under

New Zealand and AustraliaWant to learn more about Australia and New Zealand?

Participate in our quiz and discover some of the most interesting facts about these incredible countries.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023.
6.30 pm
Sección de Ordes

Tea, coffee & talk in Ordes

Would you like to improve your speaking skills with other students while chatting over a cup of coffee or tea? Don’t miss this activity!

Sección de Ordes
Monday, April 24 (18:30h ) for A1-B1 students
Tuesday, April 25 (18h) for B2-C1 students

Registration: uvieitez@eoisantiago.org

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