
Singing workshop in Ribeira

posterWould you like to improve your pronunciation? Come to our singing workshop with Narci Rodríguez to practise English pronunciation, intonation and rhythm.

Friday, 26th April at 17.30h in Salón de Actos IES N.1 (Ribeira).

Brexit and the Irish riddle

Irish riddleWilliam Keers grew up on the Irish border. The border, and border issues, have been central to his work life. B2, C1 and C2 students are welcome to this unique talk!

Sar: 3rd April 2019 at 18:30
Vite: 5th April 2019 at 9:00

St Patrick’s Day Pub Quiz

Celebrate Irish Culture! Join us for a PUB QUIZ, a round of drinks and some snacks. Gather your team and show what you know!

Thursday, 21st March 2019, from 18.30 to 19.30, in Room EOI 1. Departamento de inglés (Sección Ordes)

Happy St Patrick's Day!

An activity for A1 and A2 students. / Unha actividade para alumnado de nivel A1 e A2.

A1 and A2 students are welcome to listen to Eithne, the English teacher from Ireland, speaking about St Patrick's Day. / Alumnos/as de A1 e A2, invitámosvos a escoitar a Eithne, a nosa auxiliar lingüística irlandesa, nun relatorio sobre o Día de San Patricio.

Thursday 14th March 2019 at 12:00 in Salón de Actos (VITE). / Xoves 14 de marzo do 2019 ás 12:00 no salón de actos (VITE).

Photo | Imaxe Circe Denyer

St Patrick's Day Quiz

Questions and answers about St Patrick's Day for A1 and A2 students.

Obxectivo principal: achegar ao alumnado dos cursos básicos a celebración do St Patrick’s Day.


Pode participar todo o alumnado matriculado na EOI de Santiago de Compostela nos niveis A1 e A2. Convidamos ao alumnado das seccións a que se achegue a participar!

Dende o luns 11 de marzo haberá 10 preguntas repartidas por todo o edificio da EOI en Vite (corredores, entrada, biblioteca, sala de lectura).

O alumnado non fará marcas nin escribirá nas preguntas impresas. 

As respostas se enviarán completando este formulario online, que estará dispoñible o xoves 14 de marzo a partires das 17:30h.

Culture Quiz

How much do you know about the English-speaking world? If you think you know about the music, literature, cinema, sport or geography of countries where English is spoken, come test yourself at the EOI Culture Quiz for B2, C1 and C2 students. You will participate in teams of four. You need to install Kahoot! on your mobile device.

Vite: Wednesday February 13th at 19.30, Salón de Actos

Sar: Thursday February 14th at 19:30h, Salón de Actos.

The Great Christmas Bake Off

Can you bake a delicious Christmas dessert? Enter our contest and you might win a prize! Come and taste different desserts, learn about Christmas traditions in the UK and sing carols with your classmates!

Thursday, 20th December 2018, from 18.30 to 19.30, in Room EOI 3. Departamento de Inglés (Sección Ordes)

Viaxe a Dublín - Marzo 2019

Xa temos plan para a viaxe a Dublín (Irlanda) do 2 ao 5 de marzo de 2019!

O prezo da viaxe ronda os 640 euros, e inclúe:
- Billetes de avión de ida e volta con Aer Lingus dende Santiago.
- Traslado ao hotel dende o aeroporto e viceversa.
- Estancia en réxime de aloxamento e almorzo (breakfast) nun hotel de 3 estrelas.
- Cuartos dobres ou triples.
- Póliza de Seguro de Asistencia e Responsabilidade Civil

Xuntanza informativa o luns 17 de decembro ás 17:30 no Salón de Actos da EOI en Vite.

SING! A singing workshop in Sar

A singing workshop for A1, A2 and B1 students. Have fun and improve your English with Narci Rodríguez, a professional voice trainer and choir master!

Wednesday, December 19th 2018 at 19:30h Salón de Actos  (Sección IES de Sar)

Organized by the English Department.

Workshop: Enjoying English learning

Strategies for your learning path. Bring your smartphone or tablet! In this workshop, we´ll share strategies that help the English language learner improve all skills. This is a hands-on session that will also focus on how apps and social media can make learning easier and more fun.

Wednesday 12th December 2018 at 19:30h

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