We held our 1st Pumpkin Carving Contest:

Judging criteria included technical skill, creativity, materials used and attention to detail.

This year's winners were Antía Tejo and Iria Estévez (1º ESO) and Antía Botana and Claudia Aldrey (2º ESO). The runners-up were Rosa Quintáns and Paula Sánchez (1º ESO) and Candela Martínez (2º ESO).

Winners were awarded a voucher at the school canteen for a whole week.

The Department of English is proud of all the students who participated and submitted their pumpkins. Thanks a lot.

Check out all the creepy, incredible and creative pumpkins.







Our school also hosted our 1st Scary Story Contest:

Year 9 and Year 10 students blew us away with their terrifying short stories:

Xiana Villaverde (Year 10) came first with the best written story and Marcos Vaamonde (Year 9) came first with the most frightening story.

Rita Domínguez (Year 9) came second place with the best written storya nd Uxía Rodríguez (Year 9) came second place with the most frightening story.

Winners were also awarded a voucher at the school canteen.

Congratulations to all of you for your hauntingly brilliant stories. We're proud of you. Keep writing.






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