Crónicas do alumnado. Teatro en inglés do 3 de febreiro

It was very entertaining and interesting because we enjoyed the play and we learnt a lot of vocabulary.

The theatre told us about the importance of  freedom

This play was very exciting because the actors were funny and they sang very well.

Alumnado de ESO 3º A/B


The play was really easy to understand, our mates were pretty good


Alumnado de ESO 3º C


The play was really good. We were frightened. But at the end we enjoyed so much. The story of the play was really entertaining and we had a good time.

Alumnado de ESO3º  D

Alberto Gómez

I think it was a good play. I enjoyed a lot acting on it.

It was funny and easy to understand. I hope they could come again next year!




Lucía Maceiras

I was nervous but I had a really good time. It was a special feeling to make people laugh.  





Antón Pardellas

When I was at the stage playing my role, I felt a bit nervous but at the same time.

I was very excited and very happy, because I was playing a role in a play and that was very beautiful, and wonderful.