Actividades culturais

Leseklub: Buchzeichen

Club de lecturaJuli Zehs Roman „Corpus Delicti”

Am Mittowch, den 17. Februar 2021

AB 18:00 Online-Treffen unter Webex.

Book club 2nd meeting

The Kite RunnerOur 2nd virtual meeting will discuss The Kite Runner, the first English-language fiction written about Afghanistan, by Khaled Hosseini, a former Afghan doctor who fled his native country in 1980, shortly after the outbreak of their civil war.

Participation is limited to the first 15 students who sign up. You can do it here. Once you've signed up, go to and you will have access to our meeting room.

Our meeting will take place on Friday, January 22 2021 at 7:00pm. Save the date!

3rd Book Club Meeting

Never Let Me GoOur next virtual meeting will discuss Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go, a dystopian novel about what it means to be human.

Participation is limited to the first 15 students who sign up here.

Once you've signed up, go to and you will have access to our meeting room.

Our meeting will take place on Friday, March 5 2021, at 7:00pm

Save the date!

Palestra virtual

Palestra: O Carvalho Calero lingüista.Sexta feira 22 de xaneiro de 2021 ás 19:00 en Webex.

"O Carvalho Calero lingüista: da sua gramática ao seu reintegracionismo", con Eduardo Maragoto, Presidente de AGAL.

Apertura da aula virtual de actividades e recursos culturais do departamento de inglés

SkylineA cultura é contaxiosa.  Colle o teu dispositivo favorito e desenmascárate ante as actividades culturais do departamento de inglés.

O Departamento de inglés ven de abrir a súa aula Moodle adicada a actividades culturais, concursos, webinares, a cultura dixital, e o benestar emocional e social.  É de libre acceso para todo o alumnado da EOI rexistrado na nosa plataforma Moodle. Pódese acceder indo á sección de inglés e premendo no curso Departamento de inglés. Actividades Culturais 2020. As actividades iranse actualizando regularmente. 

Club de lecture de français

Club de lectureRéunion virtuelle (Webex) pour parler du deuxième livre de cette année Demain j'aurai vingt ans d'Alain Mabanckou le lundi 22 mars 2021.

Pour y participer, envoyez un courriel à la professeure Raquel Paz,

Certame videopoemas de Carvalho Calero

CartelParticipa no certame  Recitando Carvalho Calero. Escolle un poema do autor homenaxeado polas Letras Galegas 2020, grávao e envíao antes do 31 de marzo de 2021. Haberá premios para os 10 primeiros videopoemas!

Participe au club de lecture de français!

Club de lectureRéunion virtuelle (Webex) pour parler du premier livre de cette année On la trouvait plutôt jolie de Michel Bussi le jeudi 21 janvier 2021.

Pour y participer, envoyez un courriel à la professeure Isabelle Kerdudo,

Club de lectura en galego

Club de lecturaReunión do Club de lectura do Equipo de dinamización da lingua galega e do Departamento de galego para falarmos do libro de Noa Pérez González O ocaso da familia Portela (Editorial Barbantesa), coa participación da autora.

Xoves 28 de xaneiro de 2021 das 18:00 ás 19:30 en Webex.

Apúntate! Manda un correo á coordinadora,

Join our virtual book club

Reading clubJoin our virtual book club for C1 and C2 students!

Participation is limited to the first 15 students who sign up. If you want to join the virtual meeting, sign up here:

Once you've signed up, go to Webex and you will have access to our meeting room. Our first meeting will take place on Friday, December 11 2020 at 7:00pm. Save the date!

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