Christmas decorations

Following the commands of Captain Planet and the philosophy of the 3 R's, we created Christmas decorations by reusing empty paper rolls. 

Seguindo os mandatos do capitán Planeta e a filosofía dos 3 Rs, creamos decoracións de Nadal reutilizando rollos de papel hixiénico.

First, we drew four lines with the help of a ruler in our paper rolls.

Primeiro, co axuda dunha regra, debuxamos catro liñas nos nosos rollos de papel.

Then, we cut the paper roll trough the lines in five stripes and glued them together with a glue gun.

Despois, cortamos o rollo de papel polas liñas en 5 tiras e pegámolas cunha pistola de cola.

Finally, we painted them and decorated with glitter.

Por último, pintámolas e decoramos con purpurina.