Presents for the schools of our "Traveling Notebook"

Our traveling notebook is on its way to Nerys's home school in Australia. Then, it'll travel back to Galicia, to EEI Vilariño and EEI Fernández Varela in Pobra.

A nosa libreta viaxeira está de camiño á casa-escola de Nerys en Australia. Despois, volverá a Galicia, á EEI Vilariño e á EEI Fernández Varela na Pobra. 


Apart from writing about ourselves, our school, where we live, our celebrations and much more, we wanted to give the readers of the notebook some presents made by ourselves.

Aparte de escribir sobre nós, a nosa escola, onde vivimos, as nosas celebracións e moito máis, quixemos agasallar aos lectores da libreta cuns regalos feitos por nós.

In Pazo, we made three Daniel pins with felt (one for each school).

En Pazo, fixemos tres broches de Daniel con fieltro (un para cada escola).

In Quintáns, we made three Elmer's heart pins.   

En Quintáns, fixemos tres broches do corazón de Elmer.