Materials and colour mixtures reminders

After the summer holidays, we started a new school year of Arts & Crafts in Capela, Pazo and also in our recently incorporated Quintáns. Apart from them, new pupils arrived to Primary 1st. So, welcome all!

Despois das vacacións de verán, comezamos un novo curso escolar de Arts & Crafts (plástica) en Capela, Pazo e tamén na nosa recentemente incorporada Quintáns. Ademais deles, chegaron novos alumnos a 1º de Primaria. Así que, a todos eles benvidos/as!

If last year, we travelled around the world making crafts of the different continents, this year we will focus more specifically on ART and ARTISTS.

Se o ano pasado viaxabamos polo mundo facendo manualidades dos diferentes continentes, este ano centrarémonos máis especificamente na ARTE e nos ARTISTAS.

So as to begin, we created a poster of some materials used in art which we are going to work with throughout the year.

Así que para empezar, creamos un poster dalgúns materiais usados na arte, cos que imos a traballar ao longo do curso.

And we reviewed and experimented with colours: primary vs. secondary, warm vs. cool...

E revisamos e experimentamos con cores: primarias vs. secundarias, cálidas vs. frías...