We love our puppets

The school year is about to finish. We've worked and learnt a lot since September: numbers, colours, animals, food, clothes... But if there is something we love the most, these are the puppets, specially Cheeky Monkey and Tiger.

This is why we are spending our last days at school with them, playing with them, singing with them, hugging them and rocking them when the class is over and they have to go back to the teacher's bag to sleep.

These are some of the moments we spent with them.

O curso escolar está a piques de rematar. Traballamos e aprendemos moito desde setembro: números, cores, animais, alimentos, roupa ... Pero se hai algo que nos encantou moito, foron as marionetas, especialmente Cheeky Monkey e Tiger.

É por iso que estamos a pasar os nosos últimos días na escola con elas, xogando con elas, cantando con elas, abrazándoas e acunándoas cando remata a clase e teñen que volver ao bolso da profe para durmir.

Estes son algúns dos momentos que pasamos con elas.