Boomerangs from Australia

Apart from learning Australian culture, we wanted to feel like authentic Australian Aboriginals hunting with their boomerangs. In fact, the boomerang is something that fascinated us a lot. So we created our own boomerangs and decorated them following the aboriginal art, dot painting.

Dot painting consists of painting dots with colours like yellow (the sun), brown (the soil), red (desert sand) and white (the clouds and the sky). These are traditional Aboriginal colours. Do you wanna see the result? 

Ademais de aprender a cultura australiana, queriamos sentirnos como auténticos aborixes australianos cazando cos seus bumerangs. De feito, o bumerang é algo que nos fascinou moito. Entón creamos os nosos propios bumerangs e decorámolos seguindo a arte aborixe, a pintura do punto. A pintura do punto consiste pintar puntos en varias cores como o amarelo (o sol) , marrón (o chan) , vermello (area do deserto ) e branco (as nubes e o ceo). Estas son as cores tradicionais aborixes . Queres ver o resultado ?