June and July Celebrations

15th June – Father’s Day. Father’s Day is a day to show appreciation to fathers and grandfathers. Many people in the UK give their father a card or present and have a meal together.

21st June – Summer Solstice. The longest day of the year, when the sun is at its most northern point in the sky. Celts celebrated summer solstice with bonfires which they believed added to the sun's energy. The feast of St John the Baptist, and the festival of Li (the Chinese goddess of light) are also celebrated at the end of June. Today in the UK, thousands of people visit ancient religious sites such as Stonehenge and dance, play music and drums, and light bonfires during the night.

4th July – Independence DayCommonly known as the Fourth of July, it commemorates the declaration of independence of the USA from the UK in 1776. Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, fairs, concerts, family reunions... Independence Day is the National Day of the United States.