Lingua Estranxeira (Inglés)

#WorldBookDay and #Shakespearesbirthday

23rd April is World Book Day and Shakespeare's birthday. We did some activities about William Shakespeare (enter Aula Virtual as "convidado"and filled our twitter wall with book recommendations. What's your favourite book?

Irregular Verb Challenge

Our 6th year students are studying past irregular verbs. After watching a video on twitter in which someone challenged everybody to say as much irregular verbs as he/she could while going up in a lift, we decided to do the same through our school long corridors. It was really fun!

See the videos on our twitter profile: @sigueiroschool with the hashtag #irregularverbchallenge

Mateo's omelette

How to cook the perfect omelette? Mateo has the recipe! Pay attention and follow every step.

Valentine's Day

Year 5 and 6 wrote their own version of the famous "Roses are red" Valentine's Day poem. You can read them on our twitter profile.


Interviewing a pilgrim from Alaska

Hai uns días tivemos o pracer de coñecer a Jamie Ginn, unha peregrina de Alaska que está a facer o Camiño Inglés. Ao seu paso por Sigüeiro, visitou o noso colexio e o alumnado de 6º de Primaria tivo o pracer de entrevistala. Contounos unha morea de cousas sobre o seu país, as súas viaxes, a experiencia da facer o camiño... 

A ela encantoulle a nosa escola, alucinou con todo o noso traballo arredor dos libros de Harry Potter e coa nosa habilidade para aprender tantas linguas e o ben que nos manexabamos en inglés. Pola nosa banda, sobra dicir que tanto nenos/as coma profes quedamos encantados. Foi unha xornada fantástica entrevistándoa en inglés e aprendendo un montón de cousas sobre a súa cultura.


Pronto subiremos o video da entrevista. Jamie quedou en enviarnos algunhas fotos da súa chegada a Compostela e tamén de Alaska cando volva a casa. E o prometido é débeda. Esta é a foto da súa chegada á Praza do Obradoiro e tamén nos deixou esta mensaxe: 

Hello my friends! Thank you so much for inviting me to your school, you can’t imagine what that meant to me. Maybe someday you will invite me back again. Here is a picture of me finally reaching Santiago. Now, I am on my way to Muxia. After that I will head to Portugal and then back to Alaska. I will send you some pictures of Alaska when I get home. Thanks again, the pleasure was mine. Jamie

 Moitas gracias por todo Jamie. Thank you very much. We really appreciate it!


Last week we celebrated Carnival in our school. Every day we had to follow Antroido's commands. On Monday, we had to paint a Cyclops eye on our foreheads. On Tuesday, we had to tie some Penelope's wool around one of our legs. On Wednesday, we had to wear Harry Potter glasses. On Thursday, we had to put on a fancy dress costume. As our pen-pals in Durham do not celebrate Carnival, we recorded a video showing them our costumes.

St Godric's School watched our video and told us that, even they do not celebrate Carnival, they celebrate Pancake Day or Shrove Tuesday.

Peace Day

January 30th we celebrated Peace School Day! We wrote words of peace in stripes of white bags and hanged them on the playground fence. This is one of the stripes written in English by 3-year-old children. Year 3 students also coloured some peace doves.