Merendas saudables de Lúa.

Merendas saudables de Lúa.

Durante os meses de xaneiro e febreiro o alumnado de 5º e 6º do CEIP Nº2 de Tui, estiveron deseñando as merendas saudables, axeitadas para ter unha alimentación sa.


Esta semana son os encargados de ensinar ao alumnado de Ed. Infantil, 1º ciclo e 2º ciclo a importancia de estas merendas. Así a vindeira semana empezaremos a rexistrar as merendas que os nenos e nenas traemos a escola, promocionando aquelas máis saudables, coma a froita, os bocadillos, etc...para medrar fortes e sans.



Lua’s Healthy Snacks


During January and February 5th and 6th grade students were designing some healthy snacks for having a healthy lifestyle.

Last week, they were in change of showing the rest of the school students the importance of eating healthy. Now that our students are aware of the importance of having healthy snacks, we are going to register the snacks that they bring to school so the will get a sticker when they bring some fruit, sandwiches, etc. In this way, we are promoting healthy habits.