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Lingua estranxeira

Spring has sprung

Chegou a primavera, e na clase de Arts and Crafts empezamos a experimentar coas acuarelas novos tonalidades propias desta época. Os "BUGS" poboan as nosas flores e plantas e imos aproveitar para aprender cousas sobre eles mentres traballamos!

What can you do in the playground?

Para repasar o vocabulario que estamos aprendendo, os nenos e nenas de segundo e primeiro de primaria fixemos este vídeo contando cousas que podemos e non podemos facer as veces no patio do noso colexio. Non te perdas esta produción! Ademais quixemos incluír unhas divertidas tomas falsas. Non so aprendemos e practicamos o idioma, tamén fixemos de cineastas! Acción!


Durante estas últimas semanas, nas áreas de Inglés e Arts estivemos traballando a  festividade anglosaxona de Easter, tal e como se celebra nos Estados Unidos. Para iso, ademais de facer varias manualidades relacionadas coa temática, tamén realizamos algunha das tradicións máis típicas desta celebración, como foi decorar ovos de pascua, preparar as nosas cestiñas, e rematamos o venres facendo unha EASTER EGG HUNT no patio do colexio. Así aprendemos a través da nosa vivencia, aspectos doutras culturas, e adquirimos de forma lúdica coñecementos sobre o idioma e as tradicións. Foi moi divertido!

What are you wearing?

The aim of this activity is to practice vocabulary about clothes through description.

Travelling by hot air balloon

Experimenting with watercolours is one of our favourite painting techniques. We can mix colours and create amazing effects. Last month we discovered many nice and important places in our hot air balloon journey around the world. Here are some pictures we made to represent them. We hope you like them!



Winter time, Christmas time

Cold weather, snowflakes, hot chocolate, Santa, Rudolf, presents ... the most magic time of the year it's almost here, and we are celebrating it using watercolours, recicled materials, and our imagination!

The colour theory

This term we are working in primary education about the colour theory. To learn the origin of colour, the possiblities to mix them and the combinations and characteristics of the cromatic palete, is the base to star painting and creating art. We experimented with paint and create this board with all the things we learnt about colour. Then we start creating our own artworks.

Also we learn about Piet Mondrian, an artist who mainly use primary colour in his paintings. Do you like it?

Gobble gobble

Today we celebrate Thanksgiving at school, learning about its history, manners and traditions. What are you thankful for?

Autumn is here

The leaves are starting to fall down, nature colours are turning red, orange and yellow, and we are experimenting with our hands and fingers to create this impressive tree.


Shake your body with this song about the parts of the body!

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by Dr. Radut