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Lingua estranxeira


We eat a lots of fruit so we wanted to sing a song to demonstrate all the fruits we know.

Our favourite toys

English Christmas carols

Come and check these videos we've recorded for Christmas! 

The pencil case song

Let's learn the correct pronunciation of "In my pencil case song" vocabulary and let's identify and name different objects in a pencil case. 

40 things about us

Do you really know us? Here you have a video to check how much you knew  (or didn't know)! We hope you enjoy this 40 things about us video. Bye!


Neste video o teacher James amósanos os costumes da celebración do Halloween nos paises de fala inglesa e cóntanos o conto "The Night Before Halloween". Non o perdades! 

LET'S DANCE - David Bowie

Os maiores do cole danlle moita marcha ao tema Let’s Dance de David Bowie.

Distribuir contido

by Dr. Radut