Dreamcatchers from North America

For our last craft this year, we had to travel to the American continent. We were going to make a dreamcatcher like the ones used by the Ojibwe indians to protect children from nightmares. Hung above the bed, only good dreams are allowed to pass through and slide down the feathers to the sleeper, while bad dreams or nightmares stay in the net.

Para a nosa última manualidade deste ano, tivemos que viaxar ao continente americano. Iamos facer un atrapasoños como os que usaban os indios Ojibwa para protexer os nenos dos pesadelos. Colgado enriba da cama, só os bos soños se lles permite pasar e deslizarse para abaixo polas plumas ata a persoa durmida, mentres que os soños malos ou pesadelos quedan atrapados na rede.

These are the materials we used:

- a stick of wood

- wool

- clay and paint for the balls or beads

- feathers

Estes son os materiais que usamos:

- un paíño de madeira

- lá

- arxila e pintura para as boliñas ou abalorios

- plumas

First, we molded five small balls or beads with the clay and made a hole through them. Once dried, we painted them different colours.

Then, we rolled wool around the circular stick the teacher had previously prepared. It was hard!

After that, we made the interior net with more wool and with the balls in it.

Finally, we hung three feathers.

En primeiro lugar, moldeamos cinco pequenas bólas ou abalorios co barro e fixemos un burato a través delas. Unha vez secas, pintámolas de cores diferentes.

Despois, enrollamos lá arredor do paíño circular que a profesora preparara previamente. Foi difícil!

Despois diso, fixemos a rede interior con máis lá e coas bolas na mesma.

Finalmente, pendurámoslle tres plumas.