Storytelling: Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear?

This week, we celebrated World Book Day with a storytelling in the playground. First graders listened to "Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear?" in the voice of our language assistant Chloe. We used the big blackboard in the playground to write the names of the animals in the story.

Esta semana, celebramos o Día do Libro cun contacontos no patio. Os de 1º escoitaron o conto "Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear?" na voz da nosa auxiliar de conversa Chloe. Usamos a gran pizarra do patio para escribir os nomes dos animais da historia.

Then, divided in groups, we read more books about animals, drew them and wrote their names in small blackboards and played "What's the time Mr. Wolf?" moving like the different animals do. A great day out enjoying English and books!

Despois, divididos en grupos, lemos máis libros sobre animais, debuxámolos e escribimos o seu nome en pequenas pizarras e xogamos a "What's the time Mr. Wolf?" movéndonos como fan os diferentes animais. Un gran día gozando co inglés e cos libros!