World Book Day

Do you know why World Book Day is celebrated on 23rd April? It has to do with a coincidence between two geniuses of literature: William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes. Historical records keep they died on the same date (23rd April 1616), although there is actually a difference of 10 days between their deaths since, at the time, Spain and England used different calendars. 

Sabes por que o Día do Libro se celebra o 23 de abril? Ten que ver cunha coincidencia entre dous xenios da literatura: William Shakespeare e Miguel de Cervantes. Os rexistros históricos manteñen que morreron na mesma data (23 de abril de 1616), aínda que realmente hai unha diferencia de 10 días entre as súas mortes xa que, na época, España e Inglaterra usaban calendarios diferentes. 

Y4 designed their own bookmarks today in the English class and Y6 learnt about the lives of these two prominent authors.