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Cómo medraron as sementes que puxeramos no anterior trimestre, a pesares de que non sairon todas as que puxemos.

E facemos sementeiros no inverno, para poñer máis adiante.

 Preparámonos para comezar a plantar na horta do exterior.

Temos que levar un pouco máis de terra.

Preparámonos ben coas luvas para manexar a terra.

...e comezamos cos ALLOS










...e agora agardar a que medren

Recollemos todo no seu sitio.

...sen esquecer que de vez en cando, hai que non chove!




Today we have had an outdoor class to celebrate the coming of spring and the Easter holidays with lots of fun. Take a look at the activities we have done:

- Easter egg hunt.

- Daisy: Loves me , loves me not.

- Buttercup: Do you like butter?

- Dandelion: Make a wish

- Shamrock: Find a 4-leaf-clover

- Luck of the Irish

Take a look at the pics of this fantastic last day of the term:

Happy Easter to you all!!! 

EASTER 2023-2024 



"The Book Nook" is here again!  We are in the third season and this is the eighth episode of this fascinating radio programme, made for and by students in year 6.

 After an entire term of recordings, research, interviews, opinions, meetings and hard work, we have released the second show of this school year 2023-2024. And the results are amazing! Thank you so much to all the collaborators for your effort. 

This season will be entirely dedicated to the project we are developing in our book clubs. Under the title"Globetrotters", we will travel the world with our readings to learn the costumes and traditions of some English speaking countries. In this episode you will learn more about our sister land: Ireland.

In the presentation below you can listen to the entire programme or go directly to a specific section:

1. Intro: summary

2. "Speak out": a  section to give your opinion about a simple question: What are the benefits of travelling?

3. "Our book Clubs": with members of Bookworms and BookLand.

4. "Meet the place": in this ocassion we will travel to Ireland or Eire.

5. "Enchanted landscapes": a section related to the PDI, this time we will see the similarities between Irish and Galician forests.

6. "Our natives count": with a message by the Irish consul in Galicia, Mr Declan Mathews.

7. Outro: farewell

Irish forestry

Today has been a special day at school: we have celebrated St. Patrick´s Day with Declan Mathews, an Irish teacher, member of honour of our school community. So we all have been Irish for a day, and wore green, a lucky colour. We have learned many facts about Ireland thanks to Declan: he took us for a walk in the forest and we could notice that the Irish forestry is very similar to ours.  Gorses, ferns and shamrocks, along with oak trees, chestnut trees and birch trees decorate their forests and give them the characteristic color green.  At the end, we had to answer 10 questions of a quiz and, as we did it so well, we got the leprechaun´s pot of gold!!! Hurray!!!

Thank you so much, Declan, for your patience, kindness and wisdom!
This is the slideshow of this memorable day: 


II Conferencia Nacional eTwinning "Espacios creativos para la innovación"

Difusión del SNA Encuentro Centros eTwinning (



Despois do primeiro proxecto eTwinning que fixeramos e co que obtivemos o Selo de Calidade Nacional, este ano somos Centro eTwinning / eTwinning School


Voltamos este curso con outro proxecto eTwinning dentro do Plan Proxecta+ da Xunta de Galicia na modalidade "Patrimonio Cultural Europeo en colaboración co programa eTwinning", e facémolo sobre o "MAR" que vemos todos os días.

Esta vez cun centro de Lituania (Naminukas, en Vilna) e outro de Portugal (Agrupamento de Escolas da Zona Urbana de Figueira Da Foz).

II Conferencia Nacional de eTwinning School

II Conferencia Nacional de eTwinning School.



Last Tuesday, the 30th of January, we celebrated the International School Day of Peace and Non-Violence. But do you know what peace is?  What does peace mean to you? Well, peace is about diversity, tolerance, friendship, freedom, inclusion, sharing, support, help, understanding ... Based on them, all the students in year 5 and 6 created our FLOWERS FOR PEACE including some of these powerful words 

We also had the chance to meet Marta, a corageous Ukrainian mother who came to Spain a year ago with her 4 kids, students in our school. She was a Spanish and English teacher in Ukraine, and she shared her knowlegde with us. She talked about the beauty of her country and her experience as a refugee in Coruña. She traced her route to come to Spain in a map, mentioning all the places they lived in before ending in our town. She really appreciates all the support and help she is receiving and she hopes to go back to her country soon.
Thank you for your courage and generosity, Marta!
All the best!!!

PEACE DAY - 30th January 2024 

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by Dr. Radut