Idioma Estranxeiro

Merry Christmas

The children from CRA de Rianxo wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Move your body!

Click on the picture to play some games and learn the parts of the body. 

Fai clic na imaxe para xogar e aprender as partes do corpo.

And now move your bodies and dance with us to practise the parts of the body

E agora a mover os vosos corpos e bailar con nós para practicar as partes do corpo.

Happy Halloween!

This Halloween we focused on feelings: happy, angry, scared and sad. How is your jack-o-lantern feeling?

Este Halloween centrámonos nos sentimentos: contento, enfadado, asustado e triste. Como se sente a túa cabaza?



School objects

We are reviewing school objects and learning some new. You can keep practicing with this game (thanks to Belén Junquera for sharing). Click on the picture to start:

Estamos repasando os obxectos da escola e aprendendo algúns novos. Podes seguir practicando con este xogo (grazas a Belén Junquera por compartir). Preme na imaxe para comezar:

*Notice that felt tip is another word for marker.

* Ten en conta que "felt tip" é outra palabra para "marker" (rotulador).

And here is another pack of games about the subject. Try them!

E aquí tes outro paquete de xogos sobre o tema. Próbaos!


It's raining cats and dogs!

It's been raining heavily these days. When we were about to choose "rainy" in our weather interactive chart, we found out this expression: raining cats and dogs.

Está a chover moito estes días. Cando estabamos a piques de escoller "chuvioso" no noso gráfico do tempo interactivo, descubrimos esta expresión: chover gatos e cans.

It made us laugh a lot since we were imagining cats and dogs falling from the sky. However, it does not literally mean that. It is just an expression meaning that it is raining a lot, similar to our "chove a cántaros" or "caen chuzos" where neither buckets nor "chuzos" are falling from the sky.

Isto fíxonos rir moito, xa que estabamos imaxinando os cans e os gatos caendo do ceo. Sen embargo, non significa literalmente iso. É só unha expresión que significa que está chovendo moito, semellante ao noso "Chove a cântaros" ou "caen chuzos" onde nin hai baldes nin "Chuzos" caendo do ceo.

Cheeky and Rory are going to the fair

Cheeky Monkey and Rory the lion didn't go to the Guadalupe fair in Rianxo, but they went to a fair in their town. There, they found these funny mirrors. Look what happens when they try to see themselves in them.

Cheeky Monkey e Rory o león non foron á festa da Guadalupe en Rianxo, pero foron a unha festa na súa localidade. Alí, atoparon estes espellos divertidos. Mira o que acontece cando tentan verse neles. 

Do the mirrors make things BIG or SMALL?

Tiger is here!

After having traveled around the world, our new friend Tiger finally arrived to Rianxo. He already knew a lot of things about us but we didn't know almost anything about him and wanted to ask him many questions. He talked about himself and promised to tell us about the countries where he has been. This is how we welcomed him.

Despois de ter viaxado por todo o mundo, o noso novo amigo Tiger finalmente chegou a Rianxo. El xa sabía unha morea de cousas sobre nós, pero nós non sabiamos case nada sobre el e queríamos facerlle moitas preguntas. Falounos del e prometeu contarnos cousas dos países por onde pasou. Así é como o recibimos.





Tiger, a new friend

Hello children!

I'm Tiger, Cheeky's new friend. I'm orange and black. I roar and I jump.

How were your holidays? I went to the beach. Look at me!

I'll be there with you very soon.

Good bye



Bye-Bye Spring! Hello Summer!


On June 20st Spring finished to welcome Summer and, most important, holidays. You'll have a lot of time to play, go to the beach or the swimming pool, travel, read some books, stay with family and friends... but in case you get bored or you don't know what to do, you can always come here and play some Englisgames. Click on the picture to start:



              Cheeky Monkey 1. Ed. Macmillan           Tiger Tales 1. Ed. Macmillan

                        (5º e 6º de Infantil)                        (1º e 2º de Primaria)

June and July Celebrations

15th June – Father’s Day. Father’s Day is a day to show appreciation to fathers and grandfathers. Many people in the UK give their father a card or present and have a meal together.

21st June – Summer Solstice. The longest day of the year, when the sun is at its most northern point in the sky. Celts celebrated summer solstice with bonfires which they believed added to the sun's energy. The feast of St John the Baptist, and the festival of Li (the Chinese goddess of light) are also celebrated at the end of June. Today in the UK, thousands of people visit ancient religious sites such as Stonehenge and dance, play music and drums, and light bonfires during the night.

4th July – Independence DayCommonly known as the Fourth of July, it commemorates the declaration of independence of the USA from the UK in 1776. Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, fairs, concerts, family reunions... Independence Day is the National Day of the United States.


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