Idioma Estranxeiro

Chinese New Year: Happy Year of the Horse!

The Chinese follow their own calendar, based on the moon. The Chinese New Year 4712 begins January 31st, 2014 and will be the year of the horse. Each year is a different animal: sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, pig, rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake and horse.

On New Year's Eve, families gather together and have a large, traditional meal. On New Year's Day children will wake up to find a red envelope filled with money and sweets under their pillows left by their parents and grandparents.

There are also parades with the typical dragon dancing (a dragon made of paper, silk and bamboo), fireworks and a lantern festival


Os chineses teñen o seu propio calendario, baseado nas lúas. O Ano Novo Chinés 4712 comeza o 31 de xaneiro de 2014 e será o ano do cabalo. Cada ano adícase a un animal: ovella, mono, galo, can, porco, rata, boi, tigre, coello, dragón, serpe e cabalo.

A véspera de Ano Novo, é tradición que as familias se xunten e preparen unha gran comida. O día de Ano Novo, ao espertar, os nenos/as atopan un sobre vermello baixo a almofada cheo de diñeiro e caramelos que lles deixaron os seus pais e avós.

Tamén hai cabalgatas coas típicas danzas do dragón (un dragón feito de papel, seda e bambú), fogos artificiais e o festival das lanternas. 


Gung hei fat choi! Happy New Year! Feliz Ano Novo!



Welcome back and Happy 2014! Last month, we focused on two special festivals celebrated all around the world: Christmas and New Year. But, in China the new year begins on January 31st and has very much to do with an animal. We are going to deal with this celebration this month.

So let's begin talking about animals. Most of you have at least a pet at home. Do you like them? What's your favourite animal?

Benvidos de novo e Feliz 2014! O mes pasado, centrámonos en dúas festividades moi especiais celebradas por todo o mundo: o Nadal e o Aninovo. Pero na China o ano novo comeza o 31 de xaneiro e ten moito que ver cun animal. Traballaremos arredor desta celebración durante este mes.

Asique comecemos por falar de animais. A maioría de vós tedes alomenos unha mascota na casa. Gústanvos? Cal é o voso animal favorito?



Touch on the pictures to play and practise this vocabulary.

Toca as imaxes para xogar e practicar este vocabulario.

New Year's Eve (31st December)

People celebrate the end of the old year and see in the New Year. Old friends are remembered and promises are made to keep in the New Year (New Year's Resolutions).

In Scotland and other English-speaking countries, they usually sing the traditional "Auld Lang Syne" while crossing their arms and holding hands.

A xente celebra o remate do ano vello e agarda con ilusión a chegada do Ano Novo. Recórdanse as vellas amizades e fanse promesas para o ano que entra (Propósitos de Ano Novo).

En Escocia e noutros países de fala inglesa, adóitase cantar o tradicional "Auld Lang Syne" collidos das mans cos brazos cruzados.


Christmas (25th December)

Christmas is celebrated all around the world. People exchange presents and share a Christmas dinner with their families. There is a Christmas tree in every home and children write letters to Santa to bring them presents. They also put a boot or stocking on the chimney.


O Nadal celébrase por todo o mundo. A xente intercambia presentes e comparten unha cea de Nadal coas súas familias. Hai unha árbore de Nadal en tódolos fogares e os nenos escriben cartas a Papá Noel para que lles traia agasallos. Tamén poñen unha bota ou calcetínna cheminea.



Thanksgiving Day

Every November, people in the USA celebrate Thanksgiving Day to give thanks for all the good things from the year. They have a special dinner that night and they eat the typical turkey.

We wanted to celebrate this special day with them and say THANK YOU for our friendship among other things.

Cada novembro, os norteamericanos celebran o Día de Acción de Gracias para dar gracias por tódalas cousas boas do ano. Esa noite preparan unha cea especial na que comen o típico pavo. 

Nós quixemos celebrar este día especial con eles e dar as gracias pola amizade que nos une ademais doutras moitas cousas.





What's the weather like today?

The weather changes along the year.

In Winter, it is rainy, windy and cold. In some places it is snowy.

In Spring, it is rainy, cloudy and sunny. The temperature is warm.

In Summer, it is sunny and hot.

And in Autumn, it is cloudy, windy and rainy.

What's the weather like today?

Put on your clothes!

Ricky Monkey, Cheeky's older brother, came to our school to learn how to put on his clothes. We helped him to put on his red coat, his blue hat and his red boots. Can you put on your own clothes at home?

Bonfire Night

The 5th of November is Bonfire Night in Britain. Look how they celebrate this festival. Have we got any similar celebration?

O 5 de novembro é a Noite das Fogueiras en Gran Bretaña. Bota unha ollada a como celebran esta festa. Temos nós algunha celebración parecida? 


My hand hurts!

Now is true. Cheeky is ill. He fell from the table and hurt his hand, arm, leg and feet.

Fortunately, in Outeiro there are seven doctors who helped Cheeky.

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