Idioma Estranxeiro

Happy Halloween and Samhain!!!

In Britain and other English-speaking countries, Halloween is celebrated the 31st of October.

In Galicia we celebrate Samhain, the celtic original festival marking the end of summer and the beginning of winter.

En Gran Bretaña e noutros países de fala inglesa celebran o Halloween o 31 de outubro.

En Galicia celebramos o Samaín, o festival celta orixinal que marca a fin do verán e o comezo do inverno.

This is how we celebrated both festivals:

Así é como celebramos ámbalas dúas festividades:

Cheeky Monkey, you are not ill. You are dirty!!!

Cheeky has red spots on his body. Let's go to the doctor.


His ears are OK.

His blood pressure is OK.


His heart is OK.

His eyes are OK.

His legs are OK.

His temperature is OK.

What's the matter with Cheeky?

Cheeky Monkey, you are not ill. You are dirty!




What's in your pencil case?

Look inside your pencil cases and check you have all you need to start the school year.

Is Cheeky ill?

Cheeky is sad. Look at him. He's got red spots on his body: on his legs, on his feet, on his arms and on his hands. What's the matter? We'll have to see the doctor, although Cheeky is afraid of doctors. Figure out what happens this week at school.


Cheeky's favourite toy is a scooter whereas Rory prefers playing with a ball. What's your favourite toy?

Click on the picture to play some games.

Story time: Sally's picture

After having met Lisa, Ben, Sally and Peter; let's begin with the first story of the course. Sally loves drawing and Ben and Lisa love painting. Look what happens with Sally's picture. Click on Ben and Lisa to start.

Welcome back!

Summer holidays have finished and a new school year begins. Some new children arrive, some stay, whereas others leave. This is a present for all of them, our favourite English songs. To watch the video type this PASSWORD: singwithus

Sing with us from Tamara Carreira on Vimeo.

Libros de texto para a área de Lingua Estranxeira (Inglés) 13/14

4º de Infantil (3 anos): Non hai libro de texto.

5º e 6º de Infantil (4 e 5 anos): Cheeky Monkey 2. Pupil's Book. Ed. Macmillan. ISBN: 978-0-2300-1148-9

1º de Primaria: Find Out 1. Pupil’s Book. Ed. Macmillan. ISBN: 978-1-4050-7816-0

2º de Primaria: Find Out 2. Pupil’s Book. Ed. Macmillan. ISBN: 978-1-4050-7826-9

Enjoy your Summer playing with English!

Happy Summer everyone!!!

On June 21st the school year finished and Summer started. You've got plenty of time to play, go to the beach or the swimming pool, travelling, read some books, stay with family and friends... but in case you get bored or you don't know what to do, you can always come here and play some English games. Click on the picture to start:


Have fun!!!

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