Idioma Estranxeiro

More colours with Cheeky


           GREEN                       ORANGE                           PINK


Santa visited our schools, or was it Cheeky?

Santa is visiting our schools, or is it Cheeky?

Santa has a red hat, a red coat, a black belt, big boots...

But where's the beard, where's the sack and... most important where are the presents?

Papá Noel está visitando as nosas escolas, ou é Cheeky?

Papá Noel ten un un gorro vermello, un abrigo vermello, un cinto negro, unhas botas grandes...

Pero onde está a barba, onde está o saco e.. máis importante, onde están os regalos?


Traveling Notebook

Our school participates for the first time in a project called "Traveling Notebooks" driven by Ribeira Language School. More info about the project in this web:

O noso cole participa por primeira vez nun proxecto que lle chaman "Cadernos Viaxeiros" impulsado pola Escola de Idiomas de Ribeira. Máis información acerca do proxecto nesta web:

This is the route of our traveling notebook: 

Esta é a ruta do noso caderno viaxeiro:

- CRA de Rianxo (A Coruña, Spain)

- Nerys's home school (Goondinwi, Australia)

- EEI de Vilariño (Pobra do Caramiñal, A Coruña, Spain)

- EEI Fernández Varela (Pobra do Caramiñal, A Coruña, Spain)

After that, it comes back to us so we can read what everybody wrote. 

Despois diso, volve a nós para que poidamos ler o que todos escribiron.

As the vehicular language is English, just Primary children that are starting to write in English, participate in the project. A total of 37 boys and girls from Pazo, Capela, Quintáns and Rañó.

Como a lingua vehicular é o inglés, só particupan no proxecto os nenos e nenas de Primaria que están empezando a escribir en inglés. Un total de 37 rapaces de Pazo, Capela, Quintáns e Rañó.




It's cold!

It's cold these days! Cheeky and Tiger are cold, so we had to put them some clothes.

      COAT                  HAT               SCARF

Then, they were playing with the snow and even made a snowman.


Learning colours with Cheeky

For our youngest pupils, learning colours is easy with Cheeky changing his t-shirt from time to time. We look for things in the class with the same colour as Cheeky's t-shirt. Meanwhile, the oldest pupils learn how to read and write the name of the colour in English.


          RED                   BLUE                YELLOW

Para os nosos alumnos/as máis novos, aprender as cores é doado con Cheeky cambiando de camiseta de cando en cando. Buscamos cousas na clase da cor da camiseta de Cheeky. Mentres tanto, os alumnos/as máis maiores aprenden a ler e escribir o nome da cor en inglés.


It's Halloween!

31st October is Halloween, a celtic tradition very similar to our Samhain. We learnt some creepy vocabulary: witch, owl, monster, cat, ghost, pumpkin, wizard, bat, skeleton, moon... and we sang scary songs.

O 31 de outubro é Halloween, unha tradición celta moi parecida ao noso Samaín. Aprendemos algún vocabulario espeluznante: bruxa, moucho, monstro, gato, pantasma, cabaza, mago, morcego, esqueleto, lúa... e cantamos cancións de medo.

What's the matter?

Both Tiger and Cheeky are feeling ill these days.

First, Cheeky had red spots all over his body. Fortunately, it was a false alarm and he wasn't really ill, he was just dirty. However, he later fell down and hurt his armshandslegs and feet. We had to take him to the doctor's.


Tiger went to the doctor's too with Jay and Sue. He had a cold, a cough, a sore throat, a headache, earache, toothache, tummy ache and even a cut in his paw. Poor Tiger!


Welcome to the English class!

Comezamos un novo curso escolar aprendendo inglés con Cheeky e os seus amigos.

Así os coñeciamos na escola de Quintáns.

Books for school year 2015/16

These are the books we are going to use next year for the English classes:




English corners

In our last week of school, we played in corners:

Na nosa última semana de cole, xogamos en recunchos:


      Board Games Corner                    Books Corner                   Computer Games Corner

            Recuncho dos xogos de mesa                                    Recuncho dos libros                                   Recuncho dos xogos do ordenador


We really had fun!

Foi moi divertido!

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