Idioma Estranxeiro

Body songs!

We started the new year practising the parts of the body.

Keep practising at home with these songs!





Sing a rainbow

At break time on Wednesday in Pazo school, this is what we could see in the sky:

No recreo do mércores en Pazo, isto é o que nos atopamos no ceo: 

Soon after that, we had to go back inside the school because it started to rain, but we took advantage to sing one of our Infantil favourite songs.

Pronto despois, tivemos que volver dentro da escola xa que comezou a chover, pero aproveitamos para cantar unha das nosas cancións favoritas de infantil.


Role-plays are an excellent way to put into practice oral English and children love taking part in them! Here are two examples of role-plays we performed this term to practice school objects and toys vocabulary.

Os role-plays son unha forma excelente de practicar o inglés oral e aos nenos encántalles formar parte deles. Aquí van dous exemplos de role-plays que representamos este trimestre para parcticar vocabulario referido aos obxectos do cole e aos xoguetes.


In Primary, we are learning the rooms of a house

Hello Dex!

This year we were witnesses of the birth of a prehistoric dinosaur. Yes, you heard right, a dinosaur. Its name is Dex. Meet him and his friends with this song.

Este ano fomos testemuñas do nacemento dun dinosaurio prehistórico. Sí, oístes ben, un dinosaurio. Chámase Dex. Coñéce o a él e aos seus amigos/as con esta canción.

Books for school year 2016/2017



1º DE PRIMARIA                     2º DE PRIMARIA

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