Idioma Estranxeiro

Board Games, Books, ICTs and puppets

This is how we spent the last days of the school year. Happy holidays! See you in September!

Compilation of songs and games

These are some of the songs and games we learned in English this year:

Little Red Riding Hood

It's time for a fairy tale: Little Red Riding Hood. Let's meet the main characters:

- Little Red Riding Hood

- Granny

- Big Bad Wolf

- The hunter.

Chegou a hora do conto: Carapuchiña Vermella. Coñezamos aos personaxes:

- Carapuchiña Vermella

- A avoa

- O lobo

- O cazador.


From the beginning of the school year, feelings are an essential part of the English class routine. Every helper chooses how he or she feels that day (happy, sad, angry, scared, sleepy...) and the rest of us sing a song according to that.

Dende principios de curso, as emocións son unha parte esencial da rutina das clases de inglés. Tódolos "helpers" (axudantes) elixen como se senten ese día (contentos, tristes, enfadados, asustados, durmidos...) e os demais cantamos unha canción acorde a iso.


Canned food week

Our school has always promoted a healthy diet. That's why most of our students follow a calendar of varied and healthy snacks to bring to class and from time to time we organise events to enphasize the importance of determined products. A few weeks ago, it was fruit. Now it is canned food and sandwiches in collaboration with Conservas Cortizo and "Ponlle as pilas ao teu bocata" program.

O noso cole sempre promoveu unha alimentación saudable. Por iso a maioría dos nosos alumnos/as seguen un calendario de merendas variadas e saudables para traer á escola e de vez en cando organizamos eventos para recalcar a importancia de determinados productos. Hai unhas semanas foi a froita. Agora son as conservas e os bocadillos en colaboración con Conservas Cortizo e co programa "Ponlle as pilas ao teu bocata".

We prepared a sandwich each day of the week following different recipes. In English we participated too. It was fun naming the ingredients in English and... eating the sandwich at the end.

Preparamos un bocadillo cada día da semana seguindo diferentes receitas. En inglés tamén participamos. Foi moi divertido nomear os ingredientes en inglés e... comer o bocadillo ao final.




Do you like...?

En inglés, estivemos practicando vocabulario relacionado cos alimentos e, como broche final, en Pazo Infantil fixemos a nosa propia versión da canción "Do you like...?" de Super Simple Learning. Queredes vela?

Os creadores da canción orixinal "Do you like...?" tamén viron o noso video e deixáronnos un comentario:

Fruit week with Cheeky

Last week was fruit week.

We tried apples, pears, oranges, tangerines and bananas!!! Yummy, yummy!

A semana pasada foi a semana da froita. 

Probamos mazás, peras, laranxas, mandarinas e plátanos. Rico, rico!


We are going on a picnic. We prepared three bananas, five sausages, four eggs, two milkshakes and three tomatoes.

Imos de merenda. Preparamos 3 plátanos, cinco salchichas, catro ovos, dous batidos e tres tomates.


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