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2019-2022 REM - The Reality of European Migration

Cofinanciado por el Programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea


El proyecto “REM - The Reality of European Migration” está cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El contenido de esta publicación es responsabilidad exclusiva del IES Nosa Señora dos Ollos Grandes y ni la Comisión Europea, ni el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) son responsables del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida. 


Presentation of the province of Lugo to Italians.

Presentation of the province of Lugo to Italians.

Presentazione Erasmus Italians in Spain.

Report about results found by long term Italian students in Spain.


Reportaje El Progreso 2022.

Dissemination. Newspaper article about REM.


Results of the evaluation by Austrian students.

Results Evaluation Austrian Students‘ Visit: 

(1 being the least; 5 the most)


Q1: Did you enjoy our Town Hall reception?

Yes: 7; No: 2


Q2: Was the news report useful to you?

3: 6; 4: 3


Q3: Did you consider it useful for the project?

Yes: 9


Q4: Did you enjoy visiting Viladonga’s hillfort?

5: 9


Q5: Was it useful for you to attend some classes in Spain?

Yes: 2; Maybe: 2; No: 5 (justification: we did not really attend any but hung out in the cafeteria instead)


Q6: Did you have fun in the orientation race in Rosalia’s park?

Yes: 2; Maybe: 2; No: 5 (justification: we took the pictures, then hung around and did nothing, walked around a bit and only then went to answer the question)


Q7: How much did you like the food market?

4: 1; 5: 8


Q8: Was the visit to Lugo’s old prison what you expected it to be?

Yes (historic point of view): 5; Yes (connected to project): 1 ; No (rather sth else): 3

Schedule for short exchange Austrian students.

Programme of activities done during the Austrian students’ stay.



Sunday 19th January


Austrian students will arrive at Coruña airport at 12,45.  Families will wait for them in front of the high school at approximately 14,20 and will take them home.


Monday 20th January


-Gathering at school hall around 8.45, where headmaster will welcome Austrian students. Once finished, we will show them the school. Two students (Alba Paz and Andrea Vidal) will be in charge of this.

-At 9.35, two Spanish students (Jorge Atanes and Lucía Seijas) will make a small presentation about our town and its main cultural places.

-At 10.30, we have a welcoming reception at the Town Hall.

-At 11, brief pause for a coffee.

-At 11.45, talk about immigrants news and record videos (English room).

-In the afternoon, they come to classes with their Spanish students.


Tuesday 21st January

-At 8.45, watch the documentary movie (English room)

-At 10.30, radio interview (dissemination of the project)

-At 11, brief pause for a coffee

-At 11.30, bus to Viladonga’s Castro. Guided visit.

-At 13.45, we return to school.

-Free afternoon with families


Wednesday 22nd January

-From 8.45 to 11.15, they will go to lessons with their exchange students

-At 11.45, discuss main ideas of the film (room 3.14)

-At 13, go for a walk to Lugo’s historical centre and Roman Wall

-Free afternoon with families


Thursday 23rd January

-From 8.45 to 11, they will attend classes with their Spanish students

-At 11.15, start orienting race in Rosalía Park. This activity will be organized by students of physical education cycle.

-Around 13.45, we come back to school.

-Free afternoon with families


Friday 24th January

-Classes from 8.45 to 11.15 classes with Spanish students

-At 11.15, taste Austrian and Spanish products (English room)

-At 12.30, guided visit to Lugo’s Old prison.

-At 13.45, end of the tour

-Free afternoon to stay with families

Saturday 25th January

Families and exchange students accompany the Austrian students to school, where a bus will take them to Coruña airport at 10.30. Please, be punctual!


Treasure Hunt in Vienna

Map of the Treasure Hunt activity in Vienna.


Actividades with Italian short-exchange students.

-Treasure hunting. Activity done inside our school with clues to find the final treasure and questions related to immigration.


-Posters migration. Different posters dealing with a campaign promoting respect and tolerance for migrants.


-Museums opinion. Opinion of the visits to Roman Wall Centro de Interpretación da  Muralla and Domus Mitreo, connected with the first migratory movements in Galicia.


-Migrant talk opinion. Talk of a migrant student at school about her own experience.


-Human flow opinion. Watching a movie about the difficult situation migrants undergo when travelling to Europe.


-Schedule for Italian students. Programme of activities done during short exchange Italian students.


-Lugo presentación. Presentation of our town, Lugo. 


-Logo intercambio. Our logo, decided by all the participants’ voting.

Activities done by short exchange Austrian students during their stay in Lugo.

These are some of the activities done by short exchange Austrian students during their stay in Lugo.

-TV News. Elaboration of a TV news report with actual news about migrants in the two countries, Spain and Austria. Students play the role of TV reporters. 

-Photos. Pictures about the main moments of Austrians’ stay, such as visiting Viladonga’s hillfort, Lugo’s Vello Cárcere or food market of main products of both countries.

-Orienting race. Activity done in Lugo’s park Rosalía de Castro with questions and clues about cultural things and migratory movements.


-Film. Watching a movie about real situations endured by migrants when trying to come to a new country.

-Interview for Radio Cope. Dissemination. Austrian and Spanish teacher interviewed.


Red Cross Talk

On 2nd December students from 1st BAC had the possibility of attending a talk by Red Cross explaining a lot of important details about migration. Some of them did not participate in the project directly but some others did, but all of them were attentive and made a lot of questions, making the event very interactive and fluent.

The talk lasted one hour and 15 minutes and we learnt a lot of things about  immigrants and the problems they faced when trying to adapt to a new country, namely Spain.

There is a great quantity of Moroccan people and also migrants from Venezuela. The former have a lot of problems with the language in our town, while the latter find it so easy to communicate.

What most of these people do is to apply for the programme of International Protection,consisting of helping migrants with national funds to make them adapt to the new country. They give them accommodation and money to spend on basic needs. The accommodation they are given is normally a flat shared by more immigrants, where they have access to every room, except their personal bedroom.

Once a week, The Red Cross does the shopping with migrants so that they are familiar with prices, foodstuff, supermarkets and so that they know how much they can spend.

This programme lasts for 18 months, after which they are supposed to find a job for themselves and live in the country. It is divided into three different phases: induction, adaptation and final process.

Sometimes, people apply for this programme for humanitarian reasons, like migrants from Venezuela or people from countries at war like Syria.

We discussed very important issues, such as the fact that dealing with them with respect and empathy is crucial for the acculturation process.  It was very useful for us to work on our aims and aspirations, since these are two words that we will take into full account with our  activities.


In brief, some interesting ideas came to light that gave us the scope we needed to make our project realistic, updated and different.

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by Dr. Radut