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English Language

Breakfast with Y1


Good bye Ellie. Thanks for your great work.

Tomorrow it will be Ellie's last day  at school.

At the moment year 1 students are having a great time playing games with her.



Happy Thanksgiving- On Thursday 25th November Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, at school we are making some crafts so students learn about different cultures around the world.

Y1 learning from peers

Our Y1 students are so nice they love sharing their knowledge with their peers. No one is left behind in this class.

School objects such as scissors, notebook, pen, pencil, backpack...

Soon they will bring home their backpack to teach you the school supplies they have learnt.

Oral presentation by Year 4

These are some shots from the oral presentations done by  year 4 students. First digital presentation done.

We are looking forward to hear the next one.

Halloween crafts by Y1

Thanks to all the families and students who are making possible to set up an scary Halloween display.

Storytelling around the world September

Storytelling around the world, a new project for a new school year. We will be learning about culture, lifestyle and literature. We will also have virtual meetings with our partner school from Italy, Poland and Turkey.

First virtual meeting 26th October Y6 students will meet Italian students during a virtual meeting.

Ellie is at school

First week with Ellie our language assistant from Texas.

Oral presentations, games and also singing and dancing.

Storytelling around the world


These are the videos to help Team leaders make the bracelets.
Find your celtic knot in the playlist below

End of school year

This presentation has lots of resources to keep you busy during Summer time.

Enjoy the holidays!!

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by Dr. Radut