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English Language

Year 4 Planning a holiday

Year 4 students are planning a holiday to Australia as part of the project "Storytelling around the world".

Each team has 15000€ for a 20 days to travel around 1 state within Australia. 
This activity helps students to develop the following key competences: 

  • Personal, social and learning to learn competence.
  • Entrepreneurship competence.
  • Cultural awareness and expression competence.
  • Digital competence.
  • Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology and engineering.
  • Literacy compefence


O xoves estivemos no centro cultural de Valadares compartindo auditorio co CEIP SOBREIRA ,  coa obra de teatro "Robin Hood" en inglés. Estivemos moi atentos e atentas, entendimos moitas cousas e disfrutamos do lindo.

Designing a board game

Task 2- Year 4 and year 5 are designing a board game with the help of the previous activity.

Each team is choosing a board game, rules must be set, 40 questions must be made using the information about Australia fro the posters and tourist information they can check around the class.

Term 3 PBL Australia and New Zealand

As part of the annual project, year 4, year 5 and year 6 students are investigating about Australia During term 3. Using Tricider students chose the 4 final products being a Poster one of the commond choices by the three groups.

  • Storybooks
  • Landmarks
  • Natural wonders
  • Historical events
  • Fauna and flora
  • Aboriginal people

Working cooperatively during English lessons students prepare their posters with their team members.




Year 4 oral presentations for term 3

Commemorating World book day. April the month of literature.

Students have prepared a pizza book report of their favourite book. Oral presentations have been made using English language.

Thanks for the effort.

Games in the English classroom

At the doctor’s by stage 1

year 1 and year 2 students practice body vocabulary with a fun role play activity

Project 2021/22 Storytelling around the world

In this section all the post related to the project "storytelling around the world " will be published.


Storytelling is a powerful resource to be used while teaching and learning a foreign language. Not only because it improves listening skills, the use of oral language and subsequently also written language.  Using storytelling also allows students to strengthen their communication and social skills.  It enhances self-esteem and establishes a special bond between teller and listener, improving the teacher/student relation, but also the sense of community among students.

This project will help students to improve literacy skills and strengthen comprehension, to improve empathy with others and, with others’ cultures, enabling children to resist peer pressure and make independent decisions.
We will add gamificationn into the equation  to improve group dynamics, social skills and reasoning. As well as technology, in the XXI Century education must walk along with technology in order to provide students with easy-to-access information, accelerated learning, and fun opportunities to practice what they learn.Through the use of technology inside and outside the classroom, students can gain 21st-century technical skills necessary for future occupations. Sparking inquisitiveness in children and boosting their curiosity

The purpose of the project is to engage students in reading and at the same time in their learning. With this collaborative project among different European schools we are also willing to develop and increase language knowledge and intercultural skills.  Providing students with an opportunity to collaborate, interpret, problem solve strategies , use critical thinking skills, show self- expression, investigate, analyze and evaluate while being engaged in classroom activities.


  1. Schools
  • CEP PLurilingüe Igrexa Valadares (Vigo-Spain)
  • Poland Szkoła Podstawowa nr 6 im. Józefa Mackiewicza w Wrocławiu
  • Turkey Öğretmen Mehmet Sabri Güzel İlkokulu, Yenişehir.
  • Italy I.C. Sant’Elpidio a Mare (FM) Scuola Primaria “San Giovanni Bosco”, plesso Cascinare
  1. Grades and activities with other schools from Europe
    • Penpal and videoconference activities are offered toY2, Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 students - _ Teachers Araceli Comesaña and Susana Cobas
    • Poland Y2 videoconference and penpal activities Teacher Joanna Osiniak
    • Turkey Y2 penpals activities Teacher Şule ErtürkI
    • Italy  Y4 and 5Y students videoconference and penpal activities Teacher Simona Florenti

The following link to the twinSpace gives access to the pages where teachers participating in the project share students' work


At the restaurant

Great work year 1! Please and thank you were used during this fun and engaging role play activity.

Now we are ready to order our own food at the restaurant. We will keep practicing in case we forget.

A video will be released within the next week.




Estaremos atentos e atentas  ao seu centro e aos seus costumes! 


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by Dr. Radut