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3º Concurso literario en inglés

literary contestO departamento de inglés convoca de novo este curso un concurso literario no que poden participar todas as alumnas e alumnos do centro. O concurso ten tres categorías: 1º ciclo de ESO, 2º ciclo de ESO e bacharelato. O prazo de entrega de orixinais remata o 15 de abril, así que tedes moito tempo para escribir entre 300 e 500 palabras e contarnos calquer historia que xurda da vosa imaxinación. Consulta as bases. Non esquezades que vos agardan estupendos premios!!

Entrega de premios do II Concurso literario en inglés

Lembramos que o próximo luns, día 24 de maio, terá lugar a entrega de premios do segundo Concurso Literario en inglés. 

O acto terá lugar na biblioteca do centro ás doce menos cuarto da mañá.

Parabéns a todos os premiados e grazas a todos os participantes. 

II English Literary Contest: and the winners are...

literary contest

The jury have at last made a decision and the winners are:

1st cycle:

1st prize: Belén Mª Encabo González (A Sweet Childhood Memory)

2nd prize: María Losada Burgo (A Travel in Time)

2nd cycle:

1st prize: Beatriz Álvarez Díaz (A Virtual Reality)

2nd prize: Noemí García Rodríguez (The Weather is Bad)


Moreover, due to the great quantity and quality of the 2nd cycle stories, the jury have decided to give three consolation prizes, in alphabetical order:

Marta Salgado Castelo (Light is Lit)

Omar Díaz Rodríguez (The Goddess of Night and Rain)

Rubén Babío Barreiro (It Was a New Day)

The presentation of awards will be held at 11:45 on 24th May, at the Library.

The jury thanks all the participants and encourages them to continue writing and reading. Please send the winner stories to so that they can be published as soon as possible. 

II English Literary Contest. Awaiting a decision

  Como sabedes, foi preciso ampliar o prazo de presentación de traballos. O departamento de inglés quere agradecer ao alumnado a alta participación e o traballo realizado, que tén como resultado obras de grande calidade. Por outra parte quere pedir disculpas polo retraso na publicación do fallo do xurado. Debido a causas de forza maior, a publicación do fallo non se emitirá ata a semana que vén.

The Big Challenge is here again!

06/05/2010 00:00
06/05/2010 00:50
the big challengeO próximo 6 de maio terá lugar unha nova proba de The Big Challenge. O centro participa neste concurso por segunda vez. Corenta alumnos e alumnas de Educación Secundaria Obrigatoria enfrentaranse ás cuestións propostas co ánimo de conseguir os mellores resultados. Ánimo!
A proba terá lugar na aula 19 ás 9 da mañá. 

II English Literary Contest: EXTRA TIME!

writing fiction

Ante a gran cantidade de alumnas e alumnos que están a punto de concluir os seus traballos para mellorar a calidade do concurso, o Departamento de Inglés decide dar un prazo extra dunha semana para a presentación das vosas obras. As bases seguen a ser as mesmas, mais o prazo de presentación rematará o próximo venres 23 de abril, Día do libro.

St. Patrick's Day

Though for many Spanish university students this day just means drinking beer, there's something else in St. Patrick's Day. St. Patrick is supposed to have died on 17 March 461. That is why his feast is celebrated on this day... but why should I say anything else if you can find all the information about St. Patrick searching the web?

Actividade de animación á lectura: Romeo & Juliet

09/04/2010 00:00
09/04/2010 00:50
romeo & juliet O departamento de inglés, en colaboración con Vicens Vives, organiza esta actividade de animación á lectura para o alumnado de 4º de ESO. A actividade centrarase na obra Romeo and Juliet de William Shakespeare. A actividade terá lugar na AULA 20.


30th January

gandhiOn 30 January 1948, Gandhi
was shot while having his nightly public walk on the grounds of the
Birla Bhavan (Birla House) in New Delhi. Let's read today a few lines
of his thought:

"I accept the interpretation of Ahimsa
namely that it is not merely a negative state of harmlessness but it is
a positive state of love, of doing good even to the evil-doer. But it
does not mean helping the evil-doer to continue the wrong or tolerating
it by passive acquiescence. On the contrary, love, the active state of
Ahimsa, requires you to resist the wrong-doer by dissociating yourself
from him even though it may offend him."

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

martin luther kingEighty years ago Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States of America. He was an activist for human rights and against racism and he used non violent means to conquer these purposes. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1964. His birthday is celebrated in the USA to commemorate his work in favor of civil rights on the third Monday every year. But not only in the USA, Hiroshima celebrates King's birthday unifying the city's call for peace and King's message of human rights.
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by Dr. Radut